CHAPTER 9: District 13

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Katniss woke up in District 13 with Gale at her side: Where is Prim?

Gale: She is here, I got her out.

Katniss: What happened?

Gale: After the explosion of the arena, the capitol sent aircrafts to burn district 12 down. I managed to get your mother and Prim out, along with some survivors.


Katniss was kept in the hospital along with Finnick and Beetee. Finnick and Katniss were depressed, their loved ones were in the capitol. Finnick has panic attacks often and he can't sleep unless he is medicated. He also doesn't eat. Katniss has nightmares constantly and needs medication too.


Marta, Peeta and Johanna were kept in cells beside each other. They torture them often. Marta and Peeta are injected with a chemical to make them turn against Finnick and Katniss, it tries to manipulate their memories by using doubts. It works on Peeta but not on Marta. Johanna was tortured with water and electrocution.

Marta looks at the capitol doctor: Finnick would never do that to me.

The doctor: But look at the images.

Marta: That's from the time he was the capitol's slave. I know better.

The doctor gives up and calls for the guards for her to be tortured another way.


Katniss visits Finnick, he looks at her and says: I wanted to go back for Peeta, Johanna and Marta. I couldn't move. And now they have my Marta. I wish we were both dead so the suffering stops.

Katniss: We will find them.

Boggs, a commander, comes to get Katniss and Finnick: We need you both. Follow me.

Katniss: We were told that 13 was bombed.

Boggs: It only scratched the surface. We have never stopped believing in the revolution. We were working in the shadows.

Plutarch then greets them and introduces them to President Alma Coin: Welcome, Finnick and Katniss. Let me introduce you to Alma Coin, the president of district 13.

President Coin: It's nice to meet you, I wish we had more time but this is important. Please, have a seat.

Finnick and Marta sit down around the meeting table.

President Coin: Are you aware of what happened? After Katniss threw the arrow, it electrified the nation. There have been riots and uprisings in seven districts. We believe if we keep this energy going we can unify them against the Capitol. But if we don't, we could be waiting another 76 years for another chance. Everyone in 13 is ready for this.

Katniss: What about Peeta and Johanna?

Finnick: What about Marta? Are they alive?

Plutarch: I don't know. I wish that I did, there is no way for me to contact my operatives inside the Capitol.

Beetee joins them: They have suppressed communication between districts. However, I managed to get through because I know the system very well. What we need now is a powerful message.

Plutarch: Katniss, Finnick this is what we need you to do. You need to show them that the mockingjay and her allies are alive and well willing to stand up and join the fight. We need every district to stand up to the Capitol like you three did. So we are going to shoot a series of propaganda of the mockingjay and her team that we will stroke the fire that the mockingjay created.

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