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The capitol sends 13 footage of Peeta, Johanna and Marta being tortured.

Snow smiles to the camera: There is more of that coming if you continue.

Finnick breaks down, same goes for Katniss.

Haymitch: We need to speed up the process, we are running out of time.

Marta shouts: They are coming to 13, Finnick protect yourself.

Peeta: Nobody is safe.

Johanna: You will be dead by morning.

The guards punch them to the floor and the communication cuts.

Coin: It's time for the air drill. Evacuation starts now.

Finnick and Katniss are whisked away by Boggs and Gale to the evacuation floor.

Plutarch prepares the missiles for counterattack.


Finnick sits down on the floor crying: They will kill her now, she risked herself even more.

Beetee: They won't kill her, they need her to use her against the revolution.

Katniss joins Finnick: You don't know that.

Beetee: If Snow wanted to kill them, he would have done it earlier. He still needs them.

Prim: Katniss, Finnick Beetee is right. We will rescue them, Johanna too.

Prim: When I met Marta in the victory tour of Katniss she said to me when I asked her how she survided, it takes ten times more to pull yourself back together than to remain strong. We need to do that for them.

Finnick: She used to say that but it's too hard. How can I be strong when she is being tortured.

Prim: But we need to do that for them. They are doing it for us, we need to be strong for them.


The evacuation process was over. Everyone returned to their jobs.

Plutarch gets Finnick and Katniss: We made progress for their rescue.

Finnick: Let's go get them.

Katniss nods: Yes, let's go.

Plutarch: We will send a team but you are not going.

Finnick nods: Whatever it takes for Marta to get here safely.

Plutarch: Boggs and his team are on their way to rescue the tributes. Go back to the hospital and wait in your rooms.

Katniss and Finnick go back to their rooms. Finnick plays with his ring to control his nerves.


The team sent live footage of the mission. They located the cells and are trying to get inside. They find Marta's cell first, they unlock it and Boggs carries her off. Gale finds Peeta and he opens his cell, he carries him out. Lastly, they find Johanna and they get her out. They quickly bring them to the aircraft.

3 hours later

The rescue team is back in district 13 with the tributes. They wheel them to the hospital.

Finnick notices Marta and he runs to her bed: My love.

Marta smiles weakly: Finn, you are safe.

Finnick hugs her: Never do that again, you will kill me.

Marta smiles through her pain: I would do that again if it means you are safe.

Finnick breaks down crying in her arms, she does the same as she hugs him.

Katniss approaches Peeta, he moves away from her.

Peets shouts panicked: She did this to us, get her away from me.

Johanna tries to calm him down and tells Plutarch: He has been injected with venom.

Plutarch: The hijacking torture. It will be difficult to overcome it.

Marta: I have been injected too but against Finnick.

Plutarch: Why are you not attacking him?

Marta: Because I don't have doubts about him. It uses your doubts to build the attack.

Finnick hugs her tighter: Baby.

Marta: I will be fine, love.

Johanna nods: It's best for Katniss to be away from Peeta for a while.

Marta: At least until you find a cure for him.

Peeta fights the guards that keep him from Katniss.

Katniss: But...but.

Marta: Just go Katniss, do it for him.

Katniss leaves the room and Peeta calms down signficantly. He goes to Johanna's side.

Johanna calms him down.

Prim walks over to them: We need to check for your injuries.

Marta looks at Finnick: I will see you later, love.

Finnick shakes his head: I am going with you.

Marta: I will tell you about it later but I need to do this alone, please.

Finnick nods: As you wish.

Prim pushes Marta's bed inside the hospital. They treat her bounds. Same for Johanna and Peeta.

2 hours later

Finnick is allowed to visit Marta: Is it that bad?

Marta nods: It is but I will get through it.

Finnick holds her and Marta breaks down in his arms. She explains the ways they tortured her. He cries with her.

Coin visits them: Hello Miss. Currenta.

Marta nods: Hello, who are you?

Finnick: She is President Coin from district 13.

Marta: It's good to meet you ma'am.

Coin: I wanted to thank you personally for your contribution to the cause and for the warning.

Marta nods but remains quiet.

Coin: I will let you rest.

Finnick reads Marta's look, she doesn't trust President Coin.


Marta is cleared from the hospital and is allowed to live with Finnick. He shows her the building.

Beetee smiles when he sees her: Marta, I am glad you are here with us.

Marta nods: I am glad to be here.

Prim walks by and approaches them: Marta, Finnick.

Marta smiles: Hey Prim, thanks for taking care of Finnick during the hard times. Thanks for curing my wounds.

Prim smiles: It's the least I could do. I am glad to see you out of the hospital and Finnick smiling. I need to get back to work.

Marta: I will go back later to visit Peeta and Johanna.

Finnick nods: Yes, they need visitors to break them from overthinking.

Marta looks at Finnick: Can we go back to our room, I have enough socializing for a while.

Finnick nods: Of course, let's go love.

Finnick helps Marta back to their room. They lay down on the bed cuddling until it's visitor hours for Johanna and Peeta. 

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