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Coin gathered the tributes in her office: Thank you for coming.

Johanna: What is going on?

Coin: District 2 finally joined the revolution. It's time to take the capitol.

Katniss: So what do we do?

Coin: All of you will go through training to determine if you can join the squad that will go to the capitol.

Finnick looks at Marta: You want to go?

Marta nods: I need to end him, I will go through the training.

Peeta wore cuffs because he was in Katniss presence: Even me?

Coin nods: All the tributes need to go through the training to be assessed on whether they can handle the capitol.

Plutarch: Effie and Haymitch are excluded due to their age. Beetee cannot come because he is in a wheelchair.

Coin: Boggs will conduct the training tomorrow. That is all, rest until then. You are dismissed.

The tributes go back to their rooms and Johanna and Peeta go back to the hospital.


Boggs walks the tributes to the training ground.

In the heart of District 13, hidden beneath the surface, the training ground buzzed with focused activity as the elite squad prepared for their perilous mission to the Capitol. The expansive underground facility, equipped with state-of-the-art technology salvaged from the Capitol's arsenal, served as the training hub for the tributes selected for this specialized task.

The air in the training ground was charged with anticipation and determination. The elite squad, a carefully chosen group of individuals from different districts, donned specialized uniforms that melded functionality with resilience. The harsh lighting cast long shadows across the sleek, metallic surfaces of the training equipment.

Boggs, a seasoned veteran of the rebellion, stood at the helm of the training ground, his gaze piercing and authoritative. The tributes, representing the best of District 13's fighting prowess, awaited her instructions.

"Listen up," Boggs announced, his voice cutting through the hum of activity. "This mission is crucial. The Capitol is a fortress, and we need to be prepared for anything. Today's training will focus on honing your skills, both individually and as a cohesive unit."

The tributes dispersed to various training stations, each designed to simulate the challenges they might face in the Capitol. Some engaged in hand-to-hand combat exercises, others practiced stealth and infiltration, and a few focused on marksmanship with advanced weaponry.

In one corner of the training ground, Peeta demonstrated exceptional proficiency with a sophisticated electronic lock, a skill crucial for navigating the Capitol's intricate security systems. Nearby, Gale showcased an uncanny ability to manipulate electronic devices, an invaluable talent for disabling surveillance cameras and disrupting Capitol technology.

Finnick Odair, known for his prowess with a trident, stood in a simulated water environment, showcasing his aquatic combat skills. The water splashed dynamically as he moved, a reminder of his District 4 origins and the aquatic challenges that might await in the Capitol.

Marta, selected for her adaptability and resourcefulness, moved fluidly between different training stations, demonstrating a versatility that caught the attention of both tributes and trainers alike.

As the tributes underwent their rigorous training, a sense of unity and shared purpose permeated the air. The training ground in District 13, with its cutting-edge technology and diverse skill sets, was a symbol of the rebellion's determination to challenge the Capitol on its own turf. The tributes, bound by a common goal, honed their abilities for the daunting mission that awaited them—a mission that held the potential to tip the scales in the rebellion's favor.

In the high-stakes training grounds of District 13, Peeta, Katniss, Marta, and Finnick approached the water test with a determination fueled by the gravity of their mission. The underwater maze, designed to simulate the challenges they might face in the Capitol, loomed before them.

Peeta, demonstrating not only his physical strength but also his strategic mind, navigated the maze with a calculated precision. His movements were deliberate, and he emerged from the water with a confidence that earned nods of approval from the trainers.

Katniss, known for her resourcefulness and adaptability, moved through the submerged maze with a grace that mirrored her prowess with a bow. Her ability to assess and respond to the changing environment showcased the skills that had made her a formidable force in the arena.

Marta, selected for her versatility, demonstrated a surprising ease in adapting to darkness. Her ability to problem-solve and her agility in the water were assets that marked her as a valuable member of the elite squad.

Finnick, true to his District 4 roots, moved through the water with a natural fluidity. His aquatic combat skills were unparalleled, and the water test became a showcase of his expertise, reinforcing why he was chosen for this elite mission.

As the four tributes emerged from the water, a collective sense of satisfaction permeated the training ground. Boggs overseeing the test, expressed his approval. "You've proven yourselves capable. However, Johanna, I've carefully assessed your skills, and I've made the decision that your trauma with water is not healed and you cannot go to the Capitol mission."

Johanna, though angered by the decision, bit back her initial response. She knew arguing wouldn't change the outcome. "Fine. But you're making a mistake. I can handle whatever the Capitol throws at me."

Boggs nodded, acknowledging Johanna's resilience. "Your strength is undeniable, but we have to prioritize the success of the mission. You'll stay back and continue training in areas where you excel. Your skills may be crucial in other aspects of the rebellion. We might send you later when we are confident you can handle it completely.

The successful completion of the water test marked a pivotal moment in the training for the elite squad. With their combined strengths and diverse skill sets, Peeta, Katniss, Marta, and Finnick became a formidable force ready to face the challenges awaiting them in the heart of the Capitol. The trainers, satisfied with the progress, intensified the squad's preparation for the daring mission that would test not only their physical abilities but also their resilience in the face of the Capitol's cunning and cruelty.

Johanna looks at Marta and Finnick: What a honeymoon.

Marta: If we survive, we might have one.

Finnick nods: It's not ideal but fighting for freedom comes first.

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