CHAPTER 20: 1st Birthday

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Marta and Finnick walked to the twins bedroom. Today is their first birthday.

Finnick smiles as he watches them sleep: I can't believe a year has passed since they have been born.

Marta smiles and places a hand on Wiress' crib: It sure has flown by. Our babies are a year old.

Finnick smiles: Jonathan looks a lot like you.

Marta smiles: Wiress is your twin. But both of them have your red hair like when you were their age.

Finnick smiles: They do but they have your eyes, which I am thankful for.

Marta smiles sadly: I wish Jonathan and Wiress' could be here to see the twins.

Finnick wraps an arm around her: Me too, they would have loved them. But they are watching over them.

Marta nods: It's just on days like these it hits me that they are gone.

Finnick nods: It's understandable. It's when we miss them the most.

Marta nods: Yes, it's a shame that our parents couldn't meet them either.

Finnick nods: You're right but they are watching over Jonathan and Wiress. We will be all reunited one day.

Marta nods: You're right. At least, Effie, Haymitch and Mags are taking over their role so they feel like they have grandparents on Earth.

Finnick nods: That's a blessing. Come on, let's wake them so they can eat and we can take pictures of them.

Marta nods: I can't wait to see them in their birthday photo outfits.

Marta picks up Wiress: My sweet girl, wake up it's your birthday.

Wiress wakes up and cuddles further into Marta's chest: Mamma.

Marta kisses her forehead: Happy birthday.

Finnick smiles and picks up Jonathan: Hi sport, wake up it's your birthday.

Jonathan wakes up and cuddles into his chest: Dadda.

Finnick kisses his forehead: Happy birthday.

Jonathan notices his mommy: Mommy.

Marta smiles: Happy birthday baby.

Wiress makes grabby hands for her daddy: Daddy.

Finnick and Marta chuckle and switch babies.

Finnick kisses Wiress' forehead: Happy birthday sweet pea.

Marta: Who is ready to eat?

Jonathan and Wiress: Me.

Finnick smiles: Let's go eat breakfast then.

The four of them go to the kitchen. Marta makes some eggs, toast and sausage for the babies.

Marta: I won't give them sugar until the birthday party.

Finnick nods: Good, because when it hits them it will be chaos.

Marta chuckles: We have learned our lesson.

Finnick nods chuckling: We are not repeating it again.

Marta: I will put their clothes on the changing table. I will prepare them a bath.

Birthday outfits for the twins:

Birthday outfits for the twins:

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