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At 13 o'clock:

Cashmere (because she lives in front of Marta's apartment) sees Finnick who is about to knock on Marta's door and gets mad seeing him going to Marta and not her.

Finnick knocks on Marta's door, she comes out dressed in a black pencil skirt and black knee high heeled boots and a blue blouse that has the sleeves of a tank top. Her hair was in a bun.

Finnick offers her his arm: ready?

Marta takes it: ready (Cashmere hears them)

Finnick smiles: you look beautiful

Marta smiles: thanks you look handsome

Cashmere comes out and smiles falsely: oh hey guys how are you?

Marta smiles at her falseness: we're good about going to have some lunch and you?

Cashmere fakes another smile: nice and I have a photo shoot

Marta fake smiles too: I hope it goes well, tell me when the magazine comes out and I'll buy it

Cashmere fake smiles again: sure

Finnick: let's go M or we'll lose our reservation

Marta: see you around Cashmere

Cashmere: see you

On the way to the cafe the paparazzi found them. Finnick keeps them away from Marta and helps her walk towards the cafe.

Paparazzi: Is it true that you left Cashmere Finnick?

Finnick: It's true, we broke up.

Paparazzi: Marta it's true that you and Robert are done?

Marta: It's true we're no longer together

Paparazzi: Are you guys going on a date?

Finnick: we are just catching up guys it's been so long since we had the opportunity to do so

Marta: yeah we should get going, always a pleasure talking to you guys

Paparazzi: thank you

At the cafe:

Finnick: So how did you end up here?

Marta: well let's just say that Snow wanted me here

Finnick: so we're here for the same reasons then

Marta: yeah he told me that he was "tired" of traveling me back and forth all this years so he made me move here

Finnick: same here, but since when all this started?

Marta: A couple of months after I won my Games, you?

Finnick: right after you won yours

Marta squeezes his hand: I'm here if you need to talk I will listen, I know how hard it is to do what he makes us do

Finnick squeezes her hand back and smiles: thank you and I'm here to talk whenever you want to or need to

Marta smiles and nods: let's talk about something else a little bit more happy, okay?

Finnick: yeah, any projects?

Marta: I'm launching a single and if it works I'll launch an album, you?

Finnick: same as you what a coincidence

Marta: we should collab it would be awesome

Finnick: yeah it would be great, can I listen to your song?

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