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The afternoon

Johanna and Peeta knock on the door, Finnick opens the door: Hey guys, come on in.

Peeta smiles: Congratulations, guys.

Marta smiles: Thank you.

Johanna hugs her: You did good mamma.

Marta laughs: Only you would joke like that.

Peeta: So what are their names?

Finnick smiles: Let me introduce you to Jonathan Henry Odair.

Johanna smiles: He is beautiful.

Marta smiles: Thanks, and this is Wiress Johanna Odair.

Johanna cries: You named her after me?

Marta smiles: I wouldn't be here without you and Wiress.

Johanna cries: Thank you, Wiress would have loved it too.

Marta smiles: She is watching over them from heaven.

Peeta nods: Indeed.

Finnick kisses Marta's forehead and wipes her tears: You guys can hold them now.

Peeta takes Jonathan and Johanna takes her namesake. After a while, they switch.

Marta looks at Finnick: We did good.

Finnick nods and pecks her lips: We certainly did.

Marta: Send a picture to the victors chat. Annie can show Mags and Sybille.

Finnick nods: I will.

Johanna: Where are they anyway?

Marta: Mags had a doctor's appointment in the Capitol so Sybille and Annie took her.

Johanna nods: They must be sad the twins decided to come when they are gone.

Marta chuckles: I am sure they are.


Marta is released from the hospital, Finnick drives his family home.

Finnick smiles and helps Marta out of the car: We are home.

Marta smiles and takes Jonathan's carseat out: Home sweet home.

Finnick takes Wiress' carseat and walks with Marta.

Inside the house

Johanna, Peeta, Katniss, Haymitch, Beetee, Effie, Mags, Sybille and Annie whisper: Surprise.

Marta smiles: Thank you for this surprise.

Annie hugs them: I am so happy to meet them.

Marta hands her Jonathan: They are happy to see you.

Finnick hands Mags Wiress: Here you go.

They have lunch together and bond with the babies. The gang leaves after lunch.

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