EXTRA: Holiday

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The decision to spend their weekly summer holiday in District 7 was met with unanimous excitement from the Odair and Mellark families. The lure of the great outdoors and the promise of adventure beckoned as they planned to camp in the woods for an entire week. Packed with camping gear, laughter, and a sense of anticipation, they embarked on their journey to District 7.

Wiress: Yay! We go on the train.

Marta smiles and whispers: I think it may be the first time I am excited to board the train.

Finnick chuckles: Me too.

Jonathan: I sit by the window.

Wiress nods: Me too.

Finnick says loading the car with camping gear to bring to the train: Nothing like a week in the woods to unwind and enjoy nature. Who's ready for an adventure?

Jonathan smiles: Me!

Marta smiles as she ties her hair into a bun: This is going to be a summer to remember. Let's make some unforgettable memories, everyone.

Johanna nods: It will be good to be back at district 7.

Willow: Can we see the city?

Johanna nods: Before we head back home we can take a walk on the square.

Peeta nods: That's a good idea, alright, everyone to the cars.

The drive to the station excited for the holiday. The train ride to District 7 was filled with chatter and excitement. It took them a day to reach. When they arrived Finnick and Peeta rented two cars so they could drive to the campsite.

As they approached the wooded area, the air changed, carrying the earthy scent of pine. They found a picturesque spot to set up their campsite, surrounded by towering trees and the gentle rustle of leaves.

Marta smiles: Let's take a picture everyone.

The families posed for the camera, then Marta checked the picture and folded the tripod: Perfect.

Peeta starts to put up his family¡s tent: I forgot how much I love the smell of the forest. It's like a natural air freshener.

Johanna nods with a smile: It's good to be back.

Finnick starts to put up the tent beside Peeta's: I think it will be a good opportunity for the kids to experience nature.

Marta nods: It's good for them to be away from the sun for a while.

Jonathan: Can we play mommy?

Marta nods: But don't go beyond the trees, stay where we can see you.

Johanna: I think that after lunch I could take you all to trail easy enough for the kids.

Finnick nods: That sounds good.

The families spent their days exploring the woods, hiking along scenic trails, and discovering hidden waterfalls. The children, clad in tiny explorer outfits, reveled in the freedom of the outdoors.

Johanna smiles as she teaches the kids to identify plants: See this one? It's called a fern. Nature's green carpet.

Willow nods fascinated.

Jonathan preferred rocks: I like rocks better.

Evenings were dedicated to gathering around a crackling campfire. The adults shared stories, roasted marshmallows, and gazed up at the star-studded sky.

Finnick was in charge of this evening's story: Look at that, kids. Each of those stars has a story to tell.

Jonathan says wide-eyed): Story!

Finnick shared some of the stories of fallen victors modified enough so the kids are not scared.

The nights were accompanied by the soothing sounds of the forest—the gentle murmur of a nearby stream, the whisper of wind through the leaves, and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

One day, the families stumbled upon a serene clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. They decided to have a picnic, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Marta smiles laying out a blanket: This is perfect. The woods have a way of making everything feel magical.

Finnick nods and lays down on the blanket: It really does.

The kids run around playing, Johanna and Peeta join them on the blanket.

As the week unfolded, the families forged a deeper connection with each other and with the untamed beauty of District 7. They learned to appreciate the simplicity of life in the woods—the crackling of the fire, the echo of footsteps on a forest trail, and the joy of being present in the moment.

Peeta smiles as they pack up to leave: This has been incredible. Let's make this a tradition. A week in the woods every summer.

Johanna nods: Agreed. It's good for the soul.

Marta nods: How did it feel Jo to be back?

Johanna: It felt strangely good, I am happy Willow got a good experience out of here. It's a good change, almost like redemption.

Finnick nods: You're right, I felt like that the first time we returned at 4 from the war.

As they bid farewell to the woods of District 7, the families carried with them not just memories of an adventurous summer holiday but a renewed appreciation for the wonders of nature and the bonds that grew stronger beneath the canopy of trees.

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