CHAPTER 6: 1 year later/Quarter Quell announcement

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Marta and Finnick were back at district 4. After last year's game, President Snow allowed them to return home. He had new toys now.

At the beach

Marta and Finnick were cuddling while watching the waves, today was the day they announced the new games.

Finnick: You are so quiet, love.

Marta: I have a bad feeling.

Finnick: It is understandable, today is the games announcement.

Lunch time

Finnick, Marta, Annie and Mags were together in Mags home to eat lunch before they watched the announcement together. Annie was Marta's trainee that won.

Finnick served Annie: Come on, you have to eat.

Marta took the fork from him: Take care of Mags, I will do it.

Finnick nods and helps Mags with her food. Since the stroke, Mags hands were not in the best shape.

Marta looks at Annie and smiles softly: I need you to eat the food, a little bit at a time. If it gets cold it's harder.

Annie nods and opens her mouth.

Announcement time

President Snow at the balcony: Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Panem, esteemed residents of the Capitol, and the districts. I stand before you today to announce a momentous occasion in the history of our great nation. As we approach the 75th Hunger Games, we are reminded of the resilience and strength that has allowed us to endure and prosper.

In light of this historic milestone, it is my duty as your President to declare the commencement of the Third Quarter Quell. This event will be unlike any other Hunger Games, as it marks a special iteration that occurs every 25 years to remind us all of the Capitol's unyielding authority and the consequences of rebellion.

For the upcoming Games, there will be a unique twist that will undoubtedly captivate the hearts and minds of all citizens across Panem. Tributes shall be reaped from the existing pool of victors, ensuring that those who have tasted the sweet victory of the Games will once again have the honor of representing their districts in the arena.

This decision serves as a reminder of the Capitol's control and the consequences of rebellion. It symbolizes the unbreakable bond between the districts and the Capitol, as well as the Capitol's commitment to maintaining order and quelling any notions of defiance.

May this announcement be received with the solemnity and reverence it deserves. Let the reaping ceremonies begin, as we select the tributes who will once again compete in the arena for the honor and glory of their districts. May the odds be ever in your favor.

District 4 reaction

Annie threw herself to the floor in panic: No!!!!!!!!!!

Marta gathers her in her arms: You are not going back I promise.

Mags holds Finnick's hands, he had a bigger chance of going in. In district 4, there were only two male victors.

Marta looks at Finnick with tears in her eyes, he nods and hugs Mags.

An hour later

Annie cried herself to sleep, Marta looked at Finnick: Can you carry her to her bed?

Finnick nods: I'll be right back.

Once Finnick was gone Marta looks at Max: If my name is announced do not volunteer. Annie needs you.

Mags protests: But you are younger, you need to live.

Marta sighs: Finnick might be going in there, I need to make sure he comes back. So if my name is announced don't go in. If Annie is chosen, I will volunteer.

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