EXTRA: Jonathan and Wiress learn about the Games

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The Odair household had always been filled with laughter, love, and a sense of normalcy that belied the extraordinary tales etched in the past. However, as Jonathan and Wiress entered their teenage years, the time had come for Marta and Finnick to reveal the untold chapters of their lives—the Games.

Marta says gathering the family in the living room: Sit down, everyone. Your father and I have something important to share with you.

The teenagers exchanged curious glances, sensing a shift in the atmosphere. Finnick, with a mix of apprehension and determination, joined Marta.

Finnick: We've always tried to shield you from the darker parts of our past. Today, we want to tell you about the Games.

Jonathan tilts his head confused: Games? What kind of games?

Wiress asks: Like board games? Video games?

Marta sighs, taking a deep breath: No, not those kinds of games. We're talking about the Hunger Games.

As Marta uttered those words, a weighty silence settled in the room. The air seemed to thicken with the unspoken tales of a dystopian world that Marta and Finnick had navigated in their youth.

Wiress asks wide-eyed: Hunger Games? You mean the ones where people fight to the death?"

Finnick nods: Yes, those. Your mother and I were both participants.

The revelation hung in the air, and the teenagers grappled with the enormity of the truth. Marta and Finnick began weaving the narrative of their survival, recounting the trials, alliances, and sacrifices made in the arena.

Jonathan: But... How did you survive? What happened?

Wiress: And why didn't you tell us before?

Marta and Finnick exchanged a glance, understanding the weight of the questions. Together, they explained the necessity of keeping their past hidden to provide a semblance of normalcy for their children.

They described the friendships forged in the crucible of the Games and the scars that lingered, hidden beneath smiles and everyday life.

Marta: We share this with you now because we believe you're old enough to understand. The Games shaped us, but they don't define us. We fought to create a world where you could grow up without the shadows of the arena.

Finnick nods: Your mom and I fought to make the world better and for you to never have to experience what we did.

Wiress says teary-eyed: You went through all of that for us? Why did you carry this alone?

Finnick sighs: For you and for a better future. We wanted to protect you from the pain we carried, we wanted you to experience a normal childhood, free from pain.

As the truth settled, the family sat in reflective silence. The revelations had unveiled a legacy of strength, resilience, and sacrifice—gifts bestowed upon Jonathan, and Wiress, by parents who had faced the darkest corners of their world.

Jonathan: So, what do we do now?

Marta: We move forward, supporting each other and cherishing the moments we have. The Games may be a part of our past, but they won't dictate our future.

Wiress: Do you ever have nightmares?

Finnick nods: Constantly, over the years we have gotten better at not screaming when they happen.

Jonathan: Did you use to scream when you had those?

Marta nods: Yes, dad and I used to wake up screaming. WHen we found out we were pregnant with you we decided to try to find a way not to scream at night.

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