EXTRA: Unexpected visitor

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Marta and Finnick were enjoying a beach family day when an unexpected visitor arrived: Robert's mother.

Robert's mother points a knife towards Marta as she approaches: You! I finally found you.

Marta whispers: Finnick, get the twins out of here.

Finnick nods: I will be right back.

Marta stands up and grabs the blanket to use as a containing agent.

Wiress protests her father's hold: Mama.

Finnick holds Wiress tighter and picks up Jonathan to bring them to Johanna's: Mommy will be fine, I will take you to auntie Johanna.

Marta uses the towel to defend herself.

Jonathan struggles in Finnick's embrace: Mommy.

Marta yells back: Mommy will be fine Jonathan.

Robert's mother: You killed my son!

Marta: He tried to kill me first, I gave him the opportunity to leave.

Robert's mother: You shouldn't have killed him.

Marta: I get you are hurt, I am a mother myself. But I didn't hunt him, he hunted me and tried to kill me.

Robert's mother: When I finish you, I will make you pay, you won't see it but your husband will.

Marta: You won't touch my children, over my dead body.

Robert's mother: Someone has to pay.

Marta: Snow paid, he put all of us inside the Arena. I never wanted to hurt Robert, I was defending myself.

Robert's mother: That won't bring him back.

Marta: And killing me won't either.

Robert's mother stopped for a second allowing Marta to restrain her to the floor.

Finnick and Johanna arrived: Marta.

Marta looks at them: I am fine.

Finnick: The police are on their way.

Robert's mother struggles against the towel: I want you to pay.

Marta: I understand that but you are pushing your anger towards the wrong person.

Johanna: Do you think Marta did it voluntarily? She pleaded with him to leave but he continued to attack. Marta is not at fault, it's Snow's fault.

Finnick: Marta, I can hold her down.

Marta shakes her head: I'll do it, it's between her and me.

The police rush to them, the police officer pushes Marta to the side and cuffs Robert's mother.

The other policeman: Do you want to press charges?

Marta: I only want her to get psychological help. I don't want her in prison for attempted murder.

Robert's mother: She killed my son.

The policeman nods: We will need you to come to the station to declare what happened and for your decision to be written down.

Marta nods and looks at Finnick: Let's go.

Finnick nods: Let's get this over with.

Marta looks at Johanna: Can you watch the twins until we get back?

Johanna nods: Of course.

Finnick: Thank you, Jo.

Marta and Finnick head to the station and tell their statement. The policeman pushes Marta to plead for attempted murder but she declines.

Policeman: She tried to kill you.

Marta: She is a grieving mother, I don't want to cause her further harm. Part of me understands her.

Policeman: Fine, we will push as you said for her to be interned instead. That is all Mrs.Odair.

Marta nods: Thank you, officer.

Finnick shakes the officer's hand and leaves with Marta to get the twins.

Finnick asks on the way: Why didn't you let me restrain her?

Marta: Because when she realizes what she has done, she will be glad I was the one to stop her. I love that you want to protect me, I appreciate that more than you can believe but I needed to be the one to stop her.

Finnick nods: I understand now.

Marta: Now I need to hold my babies close.

Finnick: It touched your mother-heart right?

Marta nods: It did, I can understand what she felt. I can't imagine having to live longer than my children.

Finnick: I understand that, I picture that and it hurts a lot.

Marta: That's why I don't want her in prison, she needs the help of a psychiatrist.

Finnick nods: I hope that when she realizes she will apologize to you.

Marta shakes her head: She doesn't have to nor I expect her to. I was the one that delivered his final breath even if Snow was to blame. It was my trident that ended his life.

Finnick: But it's not your fault Marta.

Marta nods: I know it was self-defense, he attacked first but that doesn't make it any easier.

Finnick squeezes her hand, she is shutting down: You can cry Marta.

Marta finally breaks down and he hugs her, he picks her up and brings them away from the city center. He doesn't want her to be questioned later if somebody sees her break down.

Marta cries for a while longer before she feels ready to pick up the twins: Thank you Finn, I needed that.

Finnick kisses her forehead: That's what husbands are for.

They hug a minute longer before they enter the Mellark household, Marta washes her face before she faces her children.

Wiress spots Marta and Finnick when they enter the playground: Mommy, daddy!

Marta kneels down and hugs her to her chest: Hey baby.

Jonathan runs to his mother: Mommy!

Marta smiles softly and hugs her to him: Hi sweetie.

Finnick hugs his family closer to him. He is relieved that Marta and the kids are okay.

Peeta nods at him and picks up a confused Willow and leaves them alone.

After a while, the Odairs return to their house after thanking Johanna and Peeta for watching the twins.

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