EXTRA: Family day at the festival

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The anticipation in District 4 was palpable as the day of the annual festival arrived. Colorful banners adorned the streets, and the air buzzed with the sound of excited chatter. Families adorned in vibrant attire made their way to the festival grounds, ready for a day of festivities. The Odair and Mellark families, together as always, embraced the spirit of celebration.

Finnick Odair says with a grin, he was dressed in traditional clothes: Today's the day, my loves! Let's make some festival memories!"

Marta smiles holding Jonathan and Wiress's hands, they were also dressed in traditional clothes: I can already smell the delicious food. I think we're in for a treat.

The festival grounds were a kaleidoscope of colors, with stalls selling trinkets, artists showcasing their work, and the enticing aroma of street food wafting through the air.

Peeta looks around, surveying the scene: Where do we even begin? There's so much to see and do!

Johanna: Well, first, we need to find the food stalls. I'm starving!

The families decided to start their festival adventure with the food section. From freshly grilled seafood to sweet treats, the options were endless.

Wiress smiles, pointing excitedly: Ice cream!

Jonathan Odair: Fish mommy!

Willow: Cookies!

The children's eyes sparkled as they enjoyed their festival feast, their faces smeared with ice cream and joy. The parents couldn't help but chuckle at the messiness of the impromptu picnic.

After the delightful food escapade, the families ventured towards the heart of the festival, where various games and events awaited.

Finnick looks at Marta: I will take them to the fishing station.

Marta nods: I will wait for you here.

Finnick nods and walks the kids to the fishing station. Johanna stays with Marta as Peeta takes Willow.

Jonathan's mother approaches Marta: Marta.

Marta turns around surprised: Mrs.Seafield.

Jonathan's mother: Can we talk for a moment?

Marta nods and turns to Johanna: If Finnick and the kids come back, tell them I will be right back.

Johanna nods: Sure.

Marta walks with Jonathan's mother to a corner.

Jonathan's mother: It's good to see you.

Marta looks at her surprised: What?!

Jonathan's mother smiles softly: I know you didn't want to see me in case I blamed you for what happened to Jonathan.

Marta nods and looks down ashamed: I am sorry.

Jonathan's mother lifts her chin: I don't blame you, we never have. We know you protected him until you couldn't. I will forever be thankful for that. We wanted to thank you.

Marta: Thank you, for not blaming me. Everyday, I think about him.

Jonathan's mother nods: I do too. How have you been holding up?

Marta: I have my days. After the games, I was sent to the Capitol by Snow, I will spare you the details, it's not pretty. Then, I mentored Annie before I was sent to mentor district 8. A few years later, I was sent back to the arena. Then, I was captured and tortured at the Capitol until I was freed by district 13. I fought in the rebellion and I settled down after.

Jonathan's mother: I am sorry, you had to go through that.

Marta: That's the price I paid for getting out of the arena. I am grateful in a way because I am a mother and I have Finnick but the part that still is not healed wishes I hadn't gotten out.

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