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First night home

The first night at home with their newborn twins, Jonathan Henry Odair and Wiress Johanna Odair, was a momentous occasion for Finnick and Marta. The couple, having faced the trials of rebellion and the uncertainties of the Capitol, now found solace and joy in the presence of their children.

The nursery, decorated with care and adorned with soft lighting, served as a cozy haven for the Odair family. Finnick, holding Jonathan in his arms, marveled at the tiny features of his son. Marta, cradling Wiress, gazed at their daughter with a mixture of awe and unconditional love.

The room was filled with the gentle sounds of lullabies, a melody that wrapped the twins in a cocoon of warmth. Finnick, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of responsibility, carefully rocked Jonathan back and forth, whispering words of love and promises of protection. Marta, equally enamored, swayed gently with Wiress, her heart overflowing with maternal tenderness.

As the night settled around them, Finnick and Marta took turns feeding and soothing the twins. The soft glow of a nightlight bathed the room in a serene ambiance, creating a peaceful atmosphere that contrasted with the tumultuous world they had known.

The twins, nestled in their cribs, slept soundly, blissfully unaware of the struggles their parents had faced. Finnick and Marta, sitting side by side in the quiet nursery, exchanged glances that spoke volumes—a shared acknowledgment of the preciousness of the present moment.

"It's a new chapter," Finnick whispered, his voice a gentle murmur. Marta nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and hope.

As the night unfolded, Finnick and Marta marveled at the blessing of their growing family. The twins, named after those who had left an indelible mark on their lives, became a source of inspiration and a reminder of the resilience of love even in the face of adversity.

The first night at home with Jonathan and Wiress marked the beginning of a different kind of journey for Finnick and Marta—one defined by the simple joys of parenthood and the enduring strength of familial bonds. In the quiet moments of that night, amidst the whispers of lullabies and the soft breaths of their sleeping twins, the Odair family found solace and a newfound sense of purpose.


Marta and Finnick had just put the babies down for a nap when Peeta called, informing Johanna is in labor. Marta and Finnick congratulate them and will visit them when the baby is born.

Marta smiles: Johanna finally is living her dream life.

Finnick nods: They deserve it. Now it's time to learn if it's a boy or a girl.

Marta nods: I think they are having a girl.

Finnick nods: I think so too.


Peeta called Finnick: The baby is here.

Finnick: We will be right there.

Finnick wakes Marta: Honey, Johanna has given birth.

Marta gets up: Let's get Wiress and Jonathan ready to meet them.

They dress the twins and they drive to the hospital.

At the hospital

Marta knocks on the door: Hey, can we come in?

Peeta gestures for them to come in: Sure.

Marta smiles: Congratulations mamma.

Johanna smiles: Come meet Willow Marta Mellark.

Marta shades a few tears: You named her after me?

Johanna: You are the reason she is here. I would not have made it after my games without you.

Marta hugs her: I love you, Jo.

Johanna: I love you too. You can hold her now.

Marta holds Willow: She is so pretty.

Finnick walks over to them: My turn.

Marta chuckles and hands him the baby.

Marta walks over to Peeta: Congratulations Peeta.

Peeta smiles: Thank you, for everything. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your faith in me.

Marta smiles: We helped each other on the way. That's what family does.

Peeta nods and walks back to Johanna's side. Finnick hands him the baby.

Marta smiles: We will leave you alone, congratulations.

Finnick smiles: You got this, guys.

Johanna and Peeta smile and wave them goodbye. Finnick takes Jonathan and Marta takes Wiress.

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