EXTRA: School festival

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The preschool organizes a small performance, and the children showcase their talents on the last day before Christmas. Whether it's singing, dancing, or a little skit, the parents cheer on their little performers. Finnick would be in charge of Jonathan and Marta would take care of Wiress.

The preschool buzzed with excitement on the last day before Christmas, and the air was filled with the sounds of children practicing their performances. Jonathan, Wiress, and Willow, along with their classmates, were eager to showcase their talents in the small holiday performance organized by the preschool.

Marta smiles helping Wiress with a tiny Santa hat: Are you ready, my little elf? You're going to be amazing.

Wiress smiles nodding: Amazing!

Meanwhile, Peeta and Johanna were busy backstage, assisting Willow with her costume.

Peeta smiles: You look like the most adorable snowflake, Willow.

Willow smiles: Thank you.

The parents gathered in the small auditorium, eagerly awaiting the festive spectacle their little ones were about to present. The room twinkled with holiday decorations, and a hush fell over the audience as the preschool teacher stepped forward.

Preschool Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us for our special Christmas performance. Get ready for a delightful show presented by our little stars!

The curtains parted, revealing a stage adorned with twinkling lights and colorful decorations. The children, dressed in festive attire, took their places, their eyes wide with excitement.

The performance began with a group rendition of a classic holiday song, with each child adding their own adorable twist to the lyrics. The parents couldn't help but beam with pride as their little ones confidently sang and danced.

Next up was a lively dance performance, with the children moving to the cheerful beats of a holiday jingle. Jonathan, Wiress, and Willow showcased their best dance moves, twirling and giggling in their festive costumes.

Marta smiles and whispers to Finnick: They are doing really well.

Finnick nods as he records it: Our little angels are the best.

Johanna smiles whispering to Peeta: Look at Willow go! She's a natural performer."

Peeta nods as he records it: Our little snowflake steals the show.

The highlight of the performance was a short skit where the children reenacted a heartwarming Christmas story. Each child had a role, and the audience couldn't help but be charmed by the innocence and enthusiasm radiating from the stage.

As the skit concluded, the parents erupted into applause, their cheers echoing in the auditorium. The children, beaming with pride, took a bow, their tiny faces glowing with the joy of having successfully entertained their families.

Marta smiles hoisting Jonathan onto her arms: That was incredible, sweetie! You were the best little shepherd.

Jonathan smiles: Thank you mummy.

Finnick smiles hugging Wiress: You were the most adorable elf, Wiress. I'm so proud of you!

Wiress smiles: Thank you, daddy.

Willow smiles running into Peeta's arms: Did you see me, daddy? I was a snowflake!

Peeta smiles, lifting Willow up: You were the most beautiful snowflake, my love.

The preschool teacher stepped forward to express her gratitude and wish everyone a joyful holiday season. As the parents and children left the auditorium, the spirit of Christmas lingered in the air, a magical backdrop to the heartwarming memories created by the little stars of the preschool.

Johanna smiles at the group: Who is ready for Christmas food?

Willow cheers: Me!

Jonathan and Wiress: Me too!

Peeta smiles: Alright, let's go.

Marta: I am sure the turkey will be done and ready to eat.

Finnick: I hope so, I am starving.

The families go back to the Odair's. Marta and Peeta brought the dishes to the table and prepared the kids plates. Johanna and Finnick changed the kids out of their costumes. Then, the families dinned with Annie, Mags and Sybille. Haymitch, Effie, Beetee and Katniss would join them in two days to celebrate the holidays together. 

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