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Johanna and Marta were soaking their swollen feet on the water as they watched Peeta and Finnick play around.

Marta: I envy their mobility.

Johanna: Me too. I wish it was them that were pregnant.

Marta laughs: I feel you.

Johanna: Do you know what you are having?

Marta shakes her head: We have two names for boys and two for girls so we don't need to know before they come. What about you?

Johanna: We are the same, we only know it's one baby.

Marta: It's good to confirm that.

Johanna laughs.

Finnick: What is so funny?

Marta: We are just joking about pregnancy.

Peeta chuckles: I don't even want to know.

Johanna: Help me up. I need to pee.

Marta holds her hands out to Finnick: Me too.

The guys help them up and say goodbye.


Marta was folding baby clothes when her water broke: Finn!

Finnick rushes inside the room: What's wrong?

Marta breathes: The babies are coming.

Finnick to pick her up: Let's go to the hospital.

Marta: We need to grab the baby's bags and our bags. Call Johanna too.

Finnick: I will do that when you are sitting in the car.

He sets her down in the car and goes back for the bags. He then calls Johanna to tell her the twins are coming.


Finnick cheers for Marta: One last push and baby A will be with us. You can do it, honey.

Marta says through her teeth: It hurts a lot.

Finnick: I know sweetheart but you can do it.

Marta pushes and the doctor smiles: It's a girl. Let's see what baby B will be.

Marta smiles and cries: Finn, go to her.

Finnick nods and cradles his daughter as he cries: She is beautiful.

Doctor: Three pushes and baby B is out Mrs.Odair.

Marta focuses on pushing and she delivers the baby.

Doctor: It's a boy, congratulations.

Marta cries and holds him, Finnick walks over to them and puts their baby girl on her chest.

Finnick kisses her forehead: You did so good, sweetheart.

The doctor: Do they have a name?

Finnick looks at Marta: It's up to you the order.

Marta nods: Jonathan Henry Odair for the boy. Wiress Johanna for the girl.

The doctor nods and notes them down in the certificate: It's official. Congratulations, we will leave you alone for now.

Finnick smiles: Welcome to the world Wiress and Jonathan.

They cuddle the babies in turns. In the afternoon, they agree to let Johanna and Peeta visit. 

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