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Before party time:

Marta was dressed in a short and tight red dress with high-heeled boots that reached her knees to match her outfit, her hair was straightened and her makeup was perfectly done by Effie. Joanna was in the same outfit as Marta except hers was black and her hair was curled. Effie was wearing a skirt that went below the knee and Wiress was wearing leather jeans and a tank top. All of the squad got ready at Marta's.

Marta: looking fantastic girls

Joanna: yeah and we are going to do some crazy dancing today

Effie: yeah we aren't going to hold back

Marta says confidently: I'm certainly not going to

Wiress laughs and agrees

Party time:

Everyone came and they started the party.

Finnick walks in and goes to Marta and kisses her cheek: you look awesome thanks for hosting the party

Marta smiles and kisses his cheek: You're welcome and you don't look too bad yourself, drinks are over there. What do you want to drink?

Finnick: vodka with Coca Cola please

Marta prepares it: here you go

Finnick sips and says: it's very good thanks

Robert: Can you make me one?

Marta: No I'm actually going to dance with Finnick here you have the drinks

She leaves with Finnick to the dancing area

Finnick and Marta were dancing sexily together, Joanna was dancing with Effie and Wiress that we're doing the same as Marta and Finnick but together.

Robert approaches Marta and yanks her arm: What do you think you're doing?

Marta yanks her arm out of his grasp: Leave me alone

Robert tried to yank Marta away from Finnick but he stops him and pulls Marta to him, then Finnick says: we're dancing so I would appreciate if you leave us alone

Robert says to Marta: don't you have any respect for me or what we had?

Marta smirks deadly at him and steps out of Finnicks embrace: all respect went out the window the day I found out you cheated on me

Robert stays silent and gulps

Marta pushes him smirking dangerously: that's right I found out, I was gonna break up with you today but you beat me to it

Finnick gets mad at Robert for what he did to Marta: dude I think it's time for you to leave you've done enough to her

Robert says to Finnick: shut it I'm not done

Marta yanks him all the way to the door: get the hell out of my flat now!!! You're ruining the party

Robert leaves but not before saying: fine but this is not the end (in return he gets the door shut on his face)

Finnick hugs Marta when she comes back: are you okay?

Marta smiles and hugs him back: I am now Finn thank you for what you did

Finnick: it's nothing really

Marta's squad approaches her

Marta's squad: why didn't you tell us he cheated on you?

Marta: I didn't want you guys to worry until I knew what to do, I swear I was going to tell you girls

Wiress hugs her: I'm glad he's out of your life

Marta laughs: me too he beat me on breaking up with him

Joanna: let's continue this party and forget about him

Marta laughs: yeah we are here to celebrate Finnick's and I singleness, Bettee turn the music back on

All except Cashmere and Gloss cheer

They all danced and stayed at Marta's for the night

The morning after:

Marta woke up earlier than everyone and decided to start cooking some breakfast, she went downstairs and started getting the ingredients to make pancakes out of the pantry, then Finnick walked in.

Finnick: morning M

Marta turns and says: Morning Finn, how did you sleep?

Finnick: I slept well even with Chaff and Haymitch snoring their heads off, and you?

Marta laughs: pretty good for being kicked in the ass by Effie while she slept and when she stopped Wiress started talking in her sleep

Finnick laughs: about her experiments, right?

Marta nods laughing: yeah she thought she was receiving an award for her work

Finnick laughs: that must have been hilarious, need any help with breakfast?

Marta: sure

Finnick comes to stand by her side: what do I do?

Marta: I'll measure the ingredients and you mix everything I give you

Finnick walks over to her: got it

Marta: I'm really thankful for what you did for me yesterday

Finnick: it was nothing you don't deserve being talked and treated like that

Marta smiles and kisses his cheek: thanks it means a lot, I missed talking with you like the old times

Finnick smiles and blushes: me too we have to catch up, I still consider you my best girl friend

Marta smiles: yeah we should and I still consider you my best boy friend

They chat some more and mostly everyone comes to eat

Chaff: morning guys smells amazing

Finnick and Marta: thanks

Joanna sits next to him: bestie you made pancakes

Marta: you bet but with a helper

Joanna giggles: your pancakes are the best

Marta smiles: thanks, can you grab Nutella and the sauces, please?

Joanna stands up and does: sure

(The ones that were still asleep come to eat)

Marta: thanks, by the way Haymitch and Chaff hangover pills are on that cabinet above the microwave

Haymitch: thanks sweetheart you always know when I need them

Marta: you're welcome

Marta plated everything and Finnick passed all the plates with the food

They eat and after that they clean and everyone leaves except for Wiress, Joanna, Finnick, Effie and Haymitch. They all sit on the couch and love sits.

Marta: wanna play Just Dance guys?

Effie: yes I call first

Wiress: second

Finnick: third

Joanna: forth

Haymitch: fifth

Marta: last

They all laugh at her comment then they play two rounds and leave except for Finnick

Finnick: I'll go home and shower and I can pick you up at one to take you to lunch, how does it sound?

Marta: sounds good see you later

Finnick walks to the door: see you 

In the next chapter, you will see their lunch date.

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