EXTRA: Marta's first time away from the twins

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It was a beautiful morning, the Odair's were in the beach playing when Marta's phone rang:

Marta checks her phone: It's Katniss.

Finnick: It must be important.

Marta nods and picks it up: Hey Katniss, how are you?

Katniss: I am doing better, I actually wanted to ask for a favor.

Marta: What can I do?

Katniss: I need you to come for three days at district 12. My therapist has been studying the effects of the torture all the victors endured and he asked for your testimony.

Marta nods: I can come, when exactly do I have to be in 12?

Katniss: In two days. He wants your help in finding a treatment for Peeta and other victors.

Marta: Okay, I will be there, Finnick can watch the twins. Have you told Peeta about it?

Katniss: Thank you. I talked to him and he asked for you to be there, he said that you were key in his journey to recovery.

Marta: Okay, I will go. Take care Katniss.

Finnick walks over to her when she hangs up: What does she need?

Marta: I have to go to 12 to help develop a treatment plan for victims of hijacking.

Finnick nods: Is Peeta going too?

Marta shakes her head: Katniss said that he had referenced me to go, that I would be more help.

Finnick: I understand his reasons, you have been a great support for him. You have also been the only one not to succumb to the hijacking.

Marta nods: Will you be okay on your own?

Finnick nods: The twins are collaborative now, you had it harder when they were newborns.

Marta nods: Can you book me a ticket for tomorrow's train.

Finnick nods: Sure, should I get you a ticket to come back?

Marta shakes her head: I don't know if it will be three days or four, so I can buy it when I know. Thank you anyway love.

Jonathan walks over to Marta: Mama.

Marta smiles and cuddles him: Hi sweet boy.

Wiress walks to them.

Marta opens her arms for Wiress: Come here princess.

Wiress grins and cuddles to her: Mama.

She kisses her babies heads and enjoys holding them, she will miss them terribly.

Marta: Mama will have to go visit auntie Kat-Kat for a few days.

Wiress: Me go.

Marta: Not this time sweetie, John-John and you will stay with daddy.

Wiress nods: Otay.

Marta smiles and kisses their foreheads: How sweet are my babies.

The twins giggle as Marta kisses them all over their faces. Finnick smiles as he watches them. At times like this, all the pain from the Games and war was worth it. The twins won't have to suffer the Games and can be normal children.


As she hugged Finnick and the twins tightly, Marta felt a mix of responsibility and a longing for the family she was leaving behind.

Marta says leaning down to the twins: Hey, my little treasures. Mommy is going to be away for a few days, but I'll be back before you know it.

Jonathan giggling: Mama!

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