CHAPTER 12: The wedding

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Marta stayed with Effie and Johanna in their room. Peeta stayed with Finnick. Effie styled Marta's hair whilst Johanna did the final touches on the dress.

In the heart of District 13, a clandestine celebration unfolded—one that defied the darkness that surrounded the citizens living underground. Finnick Odair and Marta, having pledged their love and commitment in the quiet confines of their room, now embarked on the journey of uniting their lives in a modest but heartfelt wedding ceremony.

The chosen location was a makeshift hall adorned with whatever decorations could be scavenged in the restricted environment of District 13. Crude but beautiful, the space was transformed into a sanctuary of love and hope, a stark contrast to the harsh realities outside.

Fellow residents of District 13 gathered, creating an intimate audience of friends who had become family in the face of adversity. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of excitement and a shared acknowledgment of the rarity of joyous occasions in their subdued lives.

Marta, adorned in a simple yet elegant dress fashioned from materials available in the district, walked down a makeshift aisle. The modesty of her attire belied the radiance in her eyes as Finnick, standing at the makeshift altar, awaited her with a heart full of love.

Finnick, dressed in his District 4 uniform, looked at Marta with a mixture of pride and adoration as she approached. The air was filled with a palpable sense of resilience—a celebration of love that endured despite the challenges of their existence.

The officiant, a fellow District 13 resident who had taken on the role with solemnity and joy, spoke words of unity, hope, and strength. The vows exchanged between Finnick and Marta carried a weight that transcended the simple ceremony, echoing the struggles they had faced and the love that had sustained them.

Finnick: Marta, from the moment our paths crossed in this dark and uncertain world, you became my guiding light. In the face of the Capitol's cruelty, you've been my anchor, my source of strength. Today, in the company of our makeshift family, I vow to stand by you, to weather the storms and cherish the moments of calm. I promise to be your partner in this fight and in life, to find joy in the simple things, and to love you with a fierceness that defies the darkness around us.

Marta: Finnick, your love has been a beacon of warmth in the coldest of times. In this underground world, where hope seems like a distant memory, you've given me a reason to believe in a brighter future. Today, surrounded by the community we've come to call our own, I vow to stand by your side. I promise to be your confidante, your ally, and your solace. I will celebrate your victories and share the weight of your burdens. Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead, finding strength in our love.

As they spoke these vows, the room was filled with a tangible sense of unity and shared purpose. The words, though simple, carried the weight of the struggles they had faced and the resilience that had brought them to this moment. With these vows, Finnick and Marta forged a commitment that transcended the confines of District 13—a promise to navigate the challenges together and to find moments of joy in their shared journey.

Simple but heartfelt gestures marked the ceremony—exchanging rings made from whatever materials could be salvaged, a communal effort to provide a modest feast, and a shared commitment to face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

As the makeshift wedding ceremony of Finnick and Marta unfolded in District 13, a moment of unexpected sweetness emerged—a gesture from an unlikely source. Peeta Mellark, with a heart full of goodwill and an oven's warmth behind him, presented the newlyweds with a carefully crafted cake.

In a corner of the room, Peeta unveiled his creation—a simple yet beautiful wedding cake. Despite the limited resources of District 13, Peeta's culinary skills had managed to turn basic ingredients into a work of art. The cake, adorned with makeshift decorations fashioned from available materials, stood as a symbol of celebration and the resilience of the human spirit.

Finnick and Marta, surprised and touched by Peeta's thoughtful gift, looked at each other with smiles that spoke volumes. The cake, a rare treat in District 13, became a centerpiece for the celebration, adding a touch of sweetness to the union of two souls in the midst of adversity.

As the guests gathered around the cake, Peeta stepped forward, a genuine smile on his face. "Congratulations, Finnick and Marta," he said, his voice carrying warmth and sincerity. "May your union be as sweet and enduring as this cake."

Marta smiles: Thank you, Peeta.

Finnick smiles: Thanks, it's very kind of you.

With a knife borrowed from the district's communal supplies, Finnick and Marta cut into the cake together, symbolizing the shared joys and challenges of their journey. The room filled with laughter, cheers, and the clinking of makeshift glasses—a rare display of communal joy in the otherwise somber environment.

Peeta's gift became a gesture of unity, a reminder that even in the face of oppression, humanity could find moments of joy and connection. The makeshift wedding in District 13, with its vows, cake, and shared moments of celebration, stood as a testament to the resilience of love and the indomitable spirit that could flourish even in the darkest of times.

As the ceremony concluded, the room erupted in applause, a chorus of cheers and well-wishes from the gathered friends and allies. In that fleeting moment, amidst the underground shadows of District 13, Finnick and Marta's wedding became a symbol of resilience, love, and the indomitable spirit that could thrive even in the harshest of environments.

The wedding was recorded, it was the only way Coin agreed to decorate the place, for prop use if needed. 

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