EXTRA: First day of Preschool

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The sun cast a gentle glow over District 4 as the first rays of dawn signaled a momentous day for the Odair and Mellark families. It was the first day of preschool for Jonathan and Wiress Odair, and alongside them, Willow Mellark, daughter of Peeta and Johanna, was embarking on her own educational journey. Excitement and a hint of nervousness permeated the air as the parents prepared their children for this significant day.

Marta Odair says, bending down to Jonathan and Wiress, tying their tiny shoelaces): Are we ready for our big adventure today?

Jonathan smiles nodding enthusiastically: Yes, Mama!

Wiress smiles giggling: Adventure!

Meanwhile, over in the Mellark household:

Peeta smiles adjusting Willow's backpack: You're going to have so much fun, Willow.

Johanna says with a smirk: And remember, if anyone gives you trouble, you've got Aunt Marta and mommy to help you.

Willow nods grinning: Got it, mama.

The Mellark's walk over to the Odair's to walk together to school.

As the families made their way to the preschool, the children's excitement mirrored the nervous anticipation of their parents. The preschool entrance buzzed with the energy of children, colorful backpacks, and parents snapping pictures to capture the first day milestone.

Marta kneels down smiling at Jonathan and Wiress: Here we are, my little sunshines. Time for new friends and lots of fun.

Finnick smiles and kneels down in front of his children and beside his wife: You will do great, listen to your teacher and have lots of fun.

Marta nods in agreement: Mommy and daddy will pick you up later and we can go get ice cream to celebrate.

Jonathan smiles: Yay, ice cream!

Wiress smiles: Chocolate ice cream?

Finnick nods with a smile: Whatever you two want.

Peeta smiles crouching down to Willow: Remember, sweetheart, just be yourself. You'll make friends in no time."

Johanna smiles and kneels down, softening her tone: And don't forget to share. It's not just about the cookies, Willow.

Willow nods: Okay.

Peeta smiles and kisses her forehead: Mommy and daddy will pick you up later and we can do something you want after school.

Willow smiles: Really!

Johanna nods smiling: Whatever you want.

Willow: I want to paint.

Johanna nods with a smile: Then we will paint, I love you princess.

Willow smiles and hugs her mom: Love you.

Peeta smiles and hugs Willow one last time: Have fun, sweetie.

Willow smiles: Bye daddy, love you.

Inside the preschool, the atmosphere was a mix of organized chaos and bubbling enthusiasm. The children were greeted by warm and inviting teachers, their faces adorned with welcoming smiles. Jonathan, Wiress, and Willow found their designated cubbies, and with a blend of curiosity and shyness, they joined the group of children engaging in various activities.

Preschool Teacher smiles kneeling down to the children: "Good morning, little ones! Today is going to be full of fun and new things to learn."

As the parents lingered for a while, observing the scene through the preschool's cheerful windows, they exchanged knowing glances that reflected a shared mix of pride, nostalgia, and perhaps a touch of separation anxiety.

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