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As the elite squad, composed of Peeta, Katniss, Marta, and Finnick, infiltrated the Capitol, they found unexpected allies among a few skilled members from District 13. Together, their strengths were amplified, creating a diverse team capable of navigating the complex challenges presented by the Capitol's infrastructure.

The combined squad moved through the Capitol's opulent streets, blending into the shadows and executing their covert operations. The additional members from District 13 brought unique skills to the table—technical expertise, stealth capabilities, and knowledge of Capitol surveillance systems.

However, the journey through the Capitol was fraught with peril, and the squad faced losses along the way. When they went underground through the septic channels, they lost three members that stayed behind to face the mutts for them. Later on, the Capitol's security measures proved more formidable than anticipated, and some of the District 13 members fell victim to the cunning traps and surveillance devices scattered throughout the city. It happened when Peeta had an episode and that activated on of the traps, they lost commander Boggs on that one.

The losses weighed heavily on the squad, creating an undercurrent of grief and determination. Each fallen comrade became a symbol of the sacrifices made in the name of rebellion. Yet, the squad pressed on, their resolve strengthened by the memory of those they had lost.

Amid the challenges, the squad's dynamics evolved. Bonds deepened, and a shared sense of purpose forged an unspoken understanding among the remaining members.


Marta, Finnick, Peeta, Gale, Katniss and the remaining squad went to their capitol ally, Tigris. They would spend the night in the shop.

Marta walked in with Peeta: Come on, you need some rest.

Peeta: I didn't mean to kill Boggs.

Marta nods: We know that sweethert, it was an episode. We know you didn't mean to trigger the trap. It's not your fault.

Peeta: They should have left me at 13.

Gale: That I agree.

Marta glares at Gale: Shut it, you don't know what he went through. I would have liked to see you survive torture.

Gale: He is a danger to us all.

Marta walks over to Gale pointing her finger: I will handle Peeta. You stay away from him and shut up.

Gale glares at her and moves forward: He will kill you too.

Finnick yells as he puts himself in between Gale and Marta: That's enough.

Gale rolls his eyes and moves to the other side of the room.

Marta glares at Katniss: Keep his mouth shut, will you.

Katniss: Marta, it's not fair.

Marta continues to glare at her: What's not fair is that Peeta is blamed for something he had no control at. Gale is aware of the circumstances, so control your boyfriend.

Katniss: He is not my boyfriend.

Peeta: You chose him that day, so it seems like so.

Marta walks over to her: I don't give a damm what he is to you. If you don't keep his mouth shut I will do it myself. I had enough of his comments.

Katniss yells back: Why are you blaming me?

Marta: If it weren't for your dammed love triangle things would go smoother.

Finnick pulls Marta back: Let's eat and get some sleep, tomorrow is the big mission.

Marta nods and guides Peeta to the other side of the room, Finnick joins them. The squad gives everyone soup and a drink. They stay in the middle to put some distance between Gale and Marta.


Tigris brought some breakfast and clothes down to the basement where the squad hides: Here, eat some food before you get dressed.

Marta smiles: Thank you, Tigris.

Tigris smiles: It's the least I could do.

The squad eats before they decide how they will pair up for the mission.

Katniss: How do we divide ourselves?

Finnick: Marta and I can take Peeta with us.

Twin 1: I think we should go in pairs.

Gale: I will take Peeta.

Marta: Absolutely not.

Gale: I can control him if he repeats an episode.

Peeta: I will go with Gale, he is right, it's the safest option for everyone.

Marta looks at Peeta: Finnick or I can go with you.

Peeta: Marta you need to stay with Finnick. You have been separated long enough. I appreciate your concern. Can someone give me one of the immediate death pills?

Finnick: I think it's not the best idea for you to have the pill Peeta.

Peeta: If I become a danger or they capture me, I want to have it with me.

Katniss hands him her pill: Don't use it, please.

Marta was about to complain but Finnick shaked his head at her, she listened to him and remained quiet.

Marta goes to hug Peeta and whispers: Go back to Johanna, please.

Peeta nods: I plan to.

Marta nods and pulls away: We will see you at the mansion, stay safe guys.

Finnick and Marta walk out first. Then, Gale and Peeta. After, Katniss and Lyme. Next, the remaining four people of the squad. 

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