CHAPTER 5: 74th Hunger Games

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Marta and Finnick were allowed to return to District 4.

The Choosing Ceremony in District 4 was a solemn event, held in the central square overlooking the glistening sea. Marta and Finnick stood on the stage, flanked by the regal blue and silver banners of their district. The families of the children to be chosen waited in their section praying their kids would not be chosen. Besides them, the children in order of participating age waited. The sea breeze played with the ribbons decorating the square, creating a sense of both anticipation and unease. The air was thick with the weight of the impending selection.

The District 4 escort, she was dressed in an eccentric outfit "Today, we stand united as a district. We face the Capitol's games together, and we'll emerge stronger. But let us not forget the sacrifices made by those who step forward for the greater good."

The Choosing Ceremony began, the escort drawing names from the reaping bowl. The tension in the square escalated with each name announced. Marta and Finnick watched intently, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the moment.

As the tributes were selected, Marta and Finnick took mental notes, observing the potential strengths and weaknesses of each one. They made eye contact with the chosen tributes, offering subtle nods of encouragement and support. The sea, visible in the background, seemed to echo their determination. This year's tributes were fourteen and fifteen years old.

After the ceremony, the tributes were led to the train waiting to take them to the Capitol. The contrast between the quaint charm of District 4 and the sleek, modern design of the train was stark. Marta and Finnick greeted each tribute individually, offering words of encouragement and reassurance:

Marta: I am Marta, victor of the 65th Hunger Games, Finnick and I will walk you through the process.

Finnick: We are here to do our best that one of you returns home.

Cassie, the fourteen year old tribute: What is expected of us?

Marta sighs: You must make the capitol love you. That way you will get sponsors and they will give you advantages in the arena.

Chance, the male tribute: How do we do that?

Finnick: By faking that you are not phased by the games. You have to be charming, joke with Ceasar.

Cassie: Like Marta did in her games.

Marta nods: Exactly.

Cassie: But I am not that strong.

Marta: I was not either, I faked my confidence.

Finnick: We will coach you for the interviews and the training process.

Chance: Did any of your training tributes make it?

Marta sighs: One of mine did.

Finnick swallows: Same for me.

Marta: You need to focus on learning survival skills. How to find viable water and food.

Finnick: Also, focus on finding good shelter. You need to get attention in the training fighting skills on the camp. However, once you are at the arena you must not engage in the blood bath. You will grab a weapon and a backpack and run off.

Marta nods: Once you make it a safe distance find a tree to climb and wait it out for the first night. When it is daytime find food and water near but do not engage in battles.

Cassie: What if they find us?

Marta: Never make the first move, wait for them to attack and then you block them until you find a weak spot.

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