EXTRA: District 4 festival

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This chapter is set before the Quarter Quell

Today was district 4 festival, usually the district's shipmen put on a show, there are water races and there is a fair with lots of yummy food. Marta and Finnick had not been to one since their games, usually they were in the Capitol being sold.

Finnick smiles when he sees Marta waking up, they cuddled as usual: Morning.

Marta nods: Morning.

Finnick: What do you want to do today?

Marta shrugs: No idea.

Finnick: Why don't we go to the festival?

Marta: Are we allowed to?

Finnick: Since the 74th Games he has not bothered us, he is busy with Peeta and Katniss. I say we go.

Marta nods: Sure, let me get ready.

Finnick nods: I will go get ready in the guest room.

Marta nods and goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then she styles hair in a half-updo. Afterwards, she does simple makeup. Next, she goes to the closet to grab a summer dress (Finnick and Marta's outfit): 

 Next, she goes to the closet to grab a summer dress (Finnick and Marta's outfit): 

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Once they are ready, they grab sunglasses and Finnick grabs his wallet before they head to the pier

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Once they are ready, they grab sunglasses and Finnick grabs his wallet before they head to the pier. Marta spots Jonathan's mother, she looks down and Finnick notices it and walks her away.

Finnick: Hey, are you okay?

Marta: I saw Jonathan's mother.

Finnick: Did she ever say anything to you?

Marta shakes her head: I just feel guilty I am alive, I cannot face her.

Finnick nods: We can head to the beach and look at the show from there.

Marta nods: Thank you.

Finnick escorts her before Jonathan's mother could reach them.

Marta leans against him and tries to focus on the show instead of her memories. Finnick rubs her arm in comfort. Luckily, Jonathan's mother didn't approach them, so that helped Marta's anxiety.

When the show was over, they walked to the market so they could get food to go before the rest of the district reached it. They would eat it at the pier.

Marta: I am sorry Finn.

Finnick shakes his head: No need to apologize, I understand, I am still uncomfortable when I see Susan's parents.

Marta nods: The guilt will forever be there.

Finnick nods: Yes, even if we didn't kill them. We feel responsible.

Marta nods: That sums up how I feel.

Finnick: Let's eat and we can return to our house, we can watch the festival from the TV. We will be less anxious.

Marta nods: That sounds great.

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