We Were Finally Happy

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I just want to say quickly that I know in the last few chapters I made it seem like I don't like Allie, but I actually love Allie. I have nothing against her at all so just want to clear that up. Also the story should be getting good after this chapter so yay! Also I know these chapters have been short but they will get longer.

Ryan's POV

At school the day after I kissed Ricky I broke things off with Allie. I still can't believe I had the courage to kiss him! I'm so happy that I chose to do that though.

We have been together for 7 months now. It's been great. Each day since summer break started, we go to each others house and just hang out, talk, cuddle, and watch movies. It's the best thing and best relationship I have ver been a part of. I really love Ricky so much. He has been there for me through so many things these last few months. I have been there for him too. We are each other's rocks. When we first came to school as a couple, everyone was very shocked, but surprisingly everyone accepted us. Even Allie accepted me. She understood and realized that we didn't have the spark and she is happy I found someone I love. I just love him so much.

When I walked into his house earlier this morning I heard sibs from Ricky's room. I ran as fast as I could into his room. I didn't even bother to knock because my baby needed someone and I wasn't going to waste a single second.

I walked to him slowly to not scare him. I know when a person comes at him with fast movement it scares him quite a bit. When I reached his side I just pulled him into a hug. I don't know why he was so distraught but whatever it was, I am going to help him. I whispered sweet nothings into his ear and ran my fingers through his beautiful hair. While he was calming himself down I took my time to just appreciate what a beautiful person I have in my arms and how lucky I am to have him. Eventually Ricky calmed down and we just say on his bedroom floor on each others arms. I wasn't going to force him to tell me what made him so upset. He will tell me when he is ready.

Ricky's POV

I'm moving. Doesn't sound so bad but I have to leave Ryan and I'm going to Seattle. Remember how I have the judgmental family? Yeah they all live on Seattle and I have to love with the worst one of them. My cousin, Greg. He is terribly rude to me and used to beat me when I first started high school. My parents are going across seas for work but they can't bring me or my sister. Leaving Ryan in Pennsylvania is hard enough, leaving him to leave with my abusive cousin is something I can't handle.

I just sat in my room crying. So many memories of my family I'm Seattle were resurfacing. I can't leave the one person who makes me happiest to live with someone who makes me feel the worst. I wish there was something I could do to stay but my parents refuse to let me stay here. They kept telling me it's better for me to leave. Well they know nothing about what's best for me. If they really think sending me off to live with Greg is what's best well they can go fuck themselves.

Ryan came to my house while I was having this episode. I didn't want him to see me like this but I just couldn't stop. I thought he was going to leave me for being such a mess but he stayed and helped me. I love him so much. I can't leave him. Everything he did for me to help calm me down just shows how much he cares for me and I can't leave him. I love him too much. What am I suppose to do now. I can't leave the most important thing to me, but there is no way my family is going to let me stay here, where I am happy.

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