What If He Says No?

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This is kinda just a filler chapter but I just really wanted to write again.

Ricky's POV

I don't know what I will have to do but I will do just about anything to have Ryan like me too. I sound so desperate and like a hormonal teenager obsessed with a celebrity, but I really like Ryan. I know he's gay too. He may try to hide it with his "girlfriend" but I just know he's gay. Maybe I can invite him over after school today. No, not maybe, I will ask him. It's not like it's a date, just two friends hanging out. Hopefully one day it will be a date.

Ryan's POV

I walked into the hallway to see my girlfriend, Allie. She is seriously as cute as a button.

"Hey Rain Shitcowski! How has your morning been?" Allie jumped onto me as soon as I got to my locker.

"The usual. Wake up, get dressed, left my house. How was your morning Cat Queen?"

"My annoying brother tried to get me to give him a ride to school. Of course I just ditched him. He can be a real nuisance sometimes. I just can't stand when he tries to be friends---"

That's when I tuned her out. I do this a lot and it's not like I'm trying to be rude. I just get tired of listening to her ranting all the time.

I nod and say yeah or hmm every once in awhile. She thinks I'm a great listener since I just let her bag on and on. In reality I'm just too lost in my own thoughts to say anything. I have English and math today which means I get to see Ricky today! My friends always tease me for talking to him but he's really cool. We have a very similar music taste which is amazing since none if my friends like my music. It's really great to be able to talk to Ricky because he understands me. We share a lot in common and we just clicked when we first met. I think that's why I'm always protective of him. Whenever my friends say anything rude about him I either smack talk them or I smack them. Either solution works for the time being and they have seemed to have stopped being so rude.

*skip to math*

I walked in and saw Ricky in the back like usual. I walked as quickly as I could to sit beside him. My day had been pretty shitty with Allie ranting all day so far. When he looked up he smiled at me and I instantly returned the gesture. He's so goddam cute when he smiles! I wish I could just hang out with him all day.

"Sup?" I ask when I say down.

"Same old, same old. What about you?"

"Just the same. I wish there was a bit more change between each day."

"I know what you mean. Everyday seems to be the same conversations, same people, same places, same subjects. It's boring" see, Ricky understands me. Unlike the people I hang out with.

"And then there's my friends and Allie. Same rants from them. Every. Single. Day."

"Oh yeah," he said as soon as I brought them up. He almost sounded disappointed or something. "How are things with Allie?" He asked

"They are alright but I don't know. I just don't like her that way but I don't have the heart to break up with her. She is so cute and every time I go to break up with her I freeze up."

Just after I said that to Ricky, out teacher walked into class. Time for another long and painful lesson. At least I got Ricky in this class.

Ricky's POV

After Ryan told me what he felt towards Allie I knew it was the perfect time to invite him over. The teacher just walked in which meant we wouldn't be able to talk as much.

"Hey Ryan." I called his name in a whisper to avoid getting Mr. C's attention.


"How about you come over to my house after school. We can finish talking since we can't right now."

"That sounds cool"

My heart started pounding and my stomach started flipping around. I'm so excited he said yes! I can't believe he actually agreed. I feel like screaming or something but we are in class. Instead I just settled for a huge grin on my face. Even though class is extremely long, I got Ryan right beside me.

*skip to lunch*

I will admit. I was definitely checking Ryan out the entire class but who wouldn't. He is a really attractive person so it's not like I didn't want to. I still can't get over the fact that he is coming over after school. What if I mess something up and he thinks I'm weird and doesn't talk to me? Well, Ryan isn't that kind of person. I don't think he would stop talking to me.

Ryan's POV

I decided to sit with Ricky at lunch. Walking into the cafeteria I saw him sitting at a table by himself. He had a huge grin plastered to his face like he had in math. I wonder what's on his mind. Whatever it is, I'm glad he's smiling because of it. His smile is just too adorable. I love it so much. After school is going to be amazing.

I finally got out of my trance as I walk to Ricky. I sat beside him and he looked up at me with a confused look

"What are you doing here?" he asked with curiosity.

"I wanted to sit with you of course." I replied like it was the most obvious statement ever.

"Wouldn't you rather sit with your friends than me?"

"No, they aren't the kind if people I like to be around. And before you ask why do I hang out with them. My parents think since I was friends with them when I was younger that I have to be friends with them now. I know it's stupid but it isn't all that bad. They are just morons."


"Yeah. So you excited for after school?"

"Fuck yeah I am!" He said it with so much enthusiasm that it startled me a bit.

"Lower your voice. Can't be too happy at school. Never know what the school would do if they saw you were having fun."

"Don't tease me. I don't get visitors so when you agreed I was really happy."

He makes it so easy to tease him. We are certainly going to have fun after school today.

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