Don't Leave Me

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Ryan's POV

"Ryan you have to let go of me." Ricky was begging me to let go of him. I have barely left his side since I found out he is still alive. I'm pretty sure that means I have been attached to his hip for 3 weeks now.

"No." I reply simply.

"I really have to take a piss and you know I'm not comfortable with you coming with me."

"I'm just scared." I whimper.

Ricky gently grabs my face bringing me eye level to him. Once my face is successfully removed from his chest he looks into my eyes. It's a caring and loving stare he gives me. Not one of those creepy stares to scare me off of him.

"RyRy, I'll be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen." Ricky says trying to reassure me.

"Fine." I mumble before letting him go.

I let him go so he can pee. Within a couple of seconds I feel a tightening pain in my chest and the bad kind of butterflies in my stomach. I don't know why this is happening but I just can't help but panic. I curl up into a ball and rock myself back and forth. Tears begin to slowly fall down my face. Here I sit crying while waiting for Ricky to come back from the bathroom. Once he gets out and sees me his face fills with concern.

"Ryan, baby, what's wrong?"

I don't say anything and just jump into his arms. I let all the final tears fall and hold Ricky. He wraps his arms around me and rocks me back and forth, whispering sweet nothings to me.

"Ryan are you okay?"

"I'm okay now."

"Let's go to bed."

Ricky's POV

I wake up the next morning tangled under the covers with Ryan. I slip out the best I can without waking him up. I'm still utterly confused about why Ryan was freaking out last night. I'll talk to him about it later, right now I need to get us food. Maybe I'll call Paige and ask her to join me.

"Hey Rick, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me."

"Sure. I'll be ready in half and hour. Just head on over here."

Paige has been staying with Angelo since she got back. The two have gotten pretty close. I don't know if they are just really good friends or if they actually want to get together. Only time will tell.

Once I get to Angelo's I find Paige is already set to go. No surprise that she didn't take too long getting ready. She always looks great so she doesn't need to do much. And she doesn't need to, but she does even though she was blessed with mom and dad's good genes. I was kinda blessed, I guess I picked the short straw when it came I my height though.

"Let's go!" she screams as she enters my car.

"I just woke up half an hour ago, could you be quiet or better yet, shut up." I tease Paige.

The two of us spent around 4 hours shopping. Sounds like a long time but time flies when you are having fun. The whole time was filled with laughing and reminiscing about our childhoods. I miss hanging out with my sister like this. I've been so busy going in and out of the hospital that we haven't had time to hang out together.

"I really miss going out with you like this. You know, having a fun time together." I sigh.

"Me too. It's been a long time since we have gotten to do this." Paige agrees.

"What should we do now?" I ask.

"Why don't you come to Angelo's with me and the three of us can catch up." Paige suggests.

"That sounds great. My phone died like an hour into our trip, do you have a charger I could use?"

"Of course I have a charger." Paige giggles as she points out we have the same model of phone.

We arrive at Angelo's place. Even though I "live" here and all my stuff is here so spend more time at Ryan's. Not like Angelo is complaining, Paige practically took over my place here.

"I really need that charger so I can text Ryan and let him know where I am." I tell Paige when we get into the living room.

"Did you two get in a fight and you decided to get some air or what?" Angelo asks walking into the room.

"No, I woke up and discovered we had no food. I invited Paige to go shopping. I decided to come back to place I'm suppose to be living in and visit with you. Ryan was sleeping when I left." I answer.


Paige tosses me the charger and I plug my phone in to charge. I leave it to start charging while I converse with Angelo.

25 minutes later I decide to check my phone. When I open it up I see numerous messages and voice malls from Ryan. What could have happened that made Ryan try to contact me so much? I listen to the voice mails to find out what's wrong and Ryan's just sobbing and does not sound like he's even near okay. It sounds like he's having a panic attack or something. What the hell happened while I was gone? I tell Paige and Angelo what's happening as quickly as I can and we rush to Ryan's.

"Ryan!" I yell while opening the door.

I can hear a faint sobbing coming from his room. I quickly run into the room and find what I was expecting. Ryan is cuddled into a ball in the blankets on his bed. He is having a panic attack. On the phone the cries sound like he's just upset but when you see him, it's a different story.

Without any hesitation I pull him into a hug. He flinches when I touch him. I can tell he's very tense but when he sees it's me his body relaxes. I sit there holding Ryan wondering what happened for him to get this scared. Couldn't have been a movie, the apartment didn't appear to have been broken into. Maybe he got news about a death in his family. I seriously hope that's not the case. Ryan's needs a break from death.

When I look back down I see Ryan has fallen back asleep. He looks so peaceful. I guess I'll ask him about what happened when he wakes up on his own.

I hear Paige call for me to come into the kitchen. I gently lay Ryan down in his bed and move the covers around, until I think he looks comfortable.

"What's up?" I ask Paige.

"Well I was thinking about how you told me when you got out the bathroom yesterday that you saw Ryan freaking out. And you left today for hours and he didn't know where you were. A couple weeks ago he thought you were dead and well I think Ryan has some kind of separation anxiety disorder. He seems to always get really scared or have a panic attack when you leave. Almost like he doesn't want you out of his sights for too long because he's afraid you will die for real." Paige explains to me. Wow, I never thought that could be what's wrong. It does make sense though.

"I think you're right, but what do we do now to help him?"

I am doing a collaboration with GhostslittleHorror I'm really excited about it. I don't know how to do the tag thing to tag their account but the book is called Everything Is Meant To Be Broken. It has Ghorror in it and it would be really cool if you guys checked it out! I'm really happy with how it's going so far. The first two chapters have been posted and it's on GhostslittleHorror's account.

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