Finally Out Of The Hospital

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Ryan's POV

"I was so fucking scared when that was all happening. I didn't know what was happening and it terrified me. I thought I was going to lose you again." I whisper to Ricky.

"I don't really remember what happened. I'm sorry I made you go through that. This is all so surreal. At least I'm okay now." Ricky replies.

I crawl into his hospital bed just wanting to hold him. He is okay now and I'm going to hold him forever. I am never letting go of him.

"You're right. At least you are okay now and that is what we are going to focus on. I'm just happy I have an excuse to hold you forever now."

"I'm happy to have an excuse to lay in your arms forever."

Soon enough I begin to run my hands through his hair and he draws circles on my arms and chest. It's a habit that we both have whenever we cuddle. And after laying there for about 10 minutes talking about random things we both fall asleep.

*the next day*

I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Ricky dressed and shaking me. Seeing that he is dressed let's me know he is set to go. Finally I can have him to myself away from any population.

"Let's go home. I'm tired of being in a hospital even though I wasn't awake for most of my stay." are Ricky's first words to me as I awaken.

"I'm perfectly happy with leaving this dump. Well I guess this dump did save your life but still it sucks here." I complain back to him.

After signing papers and all that stuff we drive to my apartment. It was a nice and quiet drive. A little but of small talk was in there but it was mainly just a soothing silence.

"Hey Rick." I say as a grab a hold of his hand with my free hand.

"What's up?" he asks.

"I love you." I state.

"Love is overrated." Ricky says.

"Do you not love me too. I feel so betrayed. After all my worrying while you were on the brink of death. I guess all my concern was for nothing." I mock being hurt. I know he is only teasing.

"Meh I guess I love you too." Ricky teases.

"Of course you love me, what's not to love about me?" I joke.

"Your loud ass snoring, the stupid tangles in your hair that make my fingers get stuck in your hair, how you feel the constant need to fart on me. Need I go on?"

"Hey you aren't so perfect either with your dirty hair. What even is that thing in your hair? I don't understand it, please explain it's purpose to me."

"It's a little something called a fashion. You could use more of it in your closet."

I simply remove my hand from his and put up to my chest as if I were offended.

"You know I'm only joking. I love you too though for real."

"I know, I know. Hey look we are finally home!" I exclaim.

"Actually this is your home. My home is with Angelo." Ricky points out.

"We should work on changing that." I smirk.

"I don't know. I kinda want to stay with Angelo for a little bit. Not because I don't want to be with you 24/7, I just really missed Angelo." Ricky said solemnly. (Did I use that word correctly? I don't know but if I didn't let me know.)

"That's understandable. Well let's head inside and eat sunflower seeds!" I shout.

After laying on the couch eating sunflower seeds and watching little house on the prairie we decide to go to bed. As soon as both our partially naked bodies are on the bed I cuddle into Ricky's side.

"We should go for a drive tomorrow. Go somewhere like a park or something." I say as a place my head on Ricky's chest.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Ricky agrees.

"Good because even if you said no I was going to drag you with me."

With that Ricky wraps his arms around me as I do the same to him.

"Can I braid your hair?" Ricky's voice booms above my head.

"Thought you hated the tangles in my hair." I joke.

"I do but thankfully my love for you overpowers that."

"Okay well I guess you can braid my hair then."


I chuckle in response to Ricky's excitement. With his hands running through my hair I slowly start to doze off into sleep. My head slowly falls and rises with each of Ricky's breath and before I realize it, I'm out like a light.

In the picture in the media thing there is the thing that Ricky used to have in his hair. It's like this weird thing that is black and white and it is kinda like a dreadlock.

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