Why Did You Lie?

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Ricky's POV

I have been texting Chris just about daily. He asked me last night if I would like to join the band and play bass. I really want to but one thing is holding me back. I need to know if the band's Ryan is my Ryan. I'm 99.9% positive that it is. Tj never texted me back and that made my suspicions feel like they are the truth. I haven't texted Ryan, well I sent him a hey but that was it.

Chris- So have you thought about joining the band?

Ricky- Yeah, I thought about it, but I have a question.

Chris- I'm willing to answer almost anything.

Ricky- What's The Moose's real name?

Chris- That's your question? Odd but I can understand why you may ask, I would want to know the names of my band members too. His name is Ryan Sitkowski.

Oh my god. It is my Ryan. How could I let him slip through my fingers again. I have to join the band. I wanted to before but now I have even more reason to join.

Ricky- Thanks and yeah I will join the band.

Chris- Awesome. (a/n I fucking hate the word awesome with a deep passion)

He is my RyRy! I want to text him but I don't know if I should. Maybe I'll just wait it out a bit. I'm so happy I found him! Finally we can be together again. Wait, he's with that other girl. Well there goes my happy ending. I think I'm going to hold off on texting him. My question now is why would Tj lie about Ryan quitting the band?

Ryan's POV

I've been pretty upset over Ricky cheating on me. The more I think about it though, Tj didn't tell me when or where Ricky was cheating on me. The person he thought was cheating on me could very well have been Greg, and I know that Ricky was not cheating on me with Greg. But I still felt insecure about it because Tj told me that Ricky has cheated on people before. Apparently when we were 13 Ricky was dating Tj's sister. Tj and his sister went to Ricky's to surprise him and they opened his bedroom door to him kissing some guy. I hope I find Ricky so I can talk to him. At this point I don't know if I should trust Tj. Why would he all of a sudden have a change of heart and be trying to help me. Before we got to Seattle Tj was being a dick to me.

"Hey guys guess what." says Chris.

"What?" Balz asks annoyed. Angelo keeps kicking his seat.

"Our search for a bassist can officially stop." Chris says joyfully.

"What do you mean? And since when did you make all the decisions for the band?" I ask jokingly.

"I've been texting Richard and I asked him if he wanted to join. He said he wanted to but he needed to ask me a question first. You will never guess what he asked." Chris says almost laughing.

"Just tell us." I say.

"He asked what your name is. That's all." Chris says chuckling.

Odd considering I gave him my name. Whatever I'm just going to text him about the news. You know, congratulate him and stuff.

Ryan- I just heard that you joined the band.

Richard- Yeah I'm pretty excited to be apart of it.

Ryan- I'm curious though. Why did you ask Chris for my name? I gave you my name when I gave you my info.

Richard- Uh well I just wanted to know you last name too. You only gave me you first name and I like to have first and last names in my contacts.

Ryan- Oh okay cool.

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