Trip To The Hospital

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Ryan's POV

We have been sitting here in the waiting room for over an hour. Angelo came to the hospital as soon as I called him. Everyone else is at home since it's pretty late. They are all worried but I told them to stay home. They won't tell us anything. I don't know why they won't but they refuse to tell us anything. I really hope Ricky is okay.

"I better call Paige." I blurt out randomly.

"Who is Paige? Angelo asks.

"Ricky's sister you dumb ass."

"Oh yeah. I'm just going to go sit in a corner out of shame now."

"Have fun."

Paige picks up after about 3 rings.

"What's up, Ryan?" Paige says groggily.

"Uh I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to be blunt. Ricky is in the hospital. Some bitch kinda poisoned kinda drugged him."

"Are you pranking me or are you serious?"

"I'm 100% serious."

"Fuck, I'll be in Scranton and soon as I can. Keep my updated on how Ricky is doing."

"Will do. See you soon."


God I really hope Ricky is going to be okay.

It's been about 5 hours since I called Paige. The doctors have told me that Ricky needed to get his stomach pumped, but that is all they will tell me. Hopefully they will tell Paige more since she is his sister. The longer I wait here means I have more time to think if all the things that could go wrong. I can't lose Ricky again.

"Ryan!" I hear Paige yelling.

"Paige, right here."

"How's Ricky." Paige asks

"Not much has changed. They told me he got his stomach pumped. That's all they will tell me."

"Do you have any idea who did this?"

"Well since I found out that he was drugged, I do remember this girl we went to high school with being al over him until she found out I was there. Her name was Bailey." I say seething with anger.

"Well looks like I'm going to have to hunt a bitch down." Paige jokes.

"I'll gladly join you." I reply with a laugh.

"No I'm being serious, I'm going to find this Bailey and make sure she learns to never hurt Ricky or anyone again."

"Well let's try to get more information before you go on your hunt." Angelo buts in.

"Angelo! I haven't seem you in so long!" Paige says as she jumps up to hug him.

"Hey Paige."

"Let's find out what is happening with Ricky, please." I beg the two.

"Yeah let's go."

We ask the front desk for information. At first they said they can't tell us but then we told then that Paige is here. We have learned that Ricky is in a semi stable condition. His stomach was pumped and he is in and out of it right now. We should be able to see him soon.

"I'm so relieved to know he is okay. I guess we should tell everyone else that he is alright." I utter.

"While you do that I'm going to find Bailey." Paige says.

"I'll go with you to make sure you stay safe as well." Angelo pipes up.

After that the duo left and I texted everyone about Ricky's condition.

Balz- Shit that must have been scary, I'm glad he is doing alright though.

Chris- Good to hear he is doing a-okay. I'm heading to the hospital right now, see you soon.

Tj didn't answer but to be honest that isn't a surprise. He's been really distant with all of us lately. I wonder what's up with him.

I had a bit of a writer's block for awhile but here is a little update. I'm going camping again today until Friday it Saturday. Sorry for being so inconstant with updates but I'll try to get in a better routine. Also I know this chapter is short but I felt like you guys deserved at least a little something.

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