What Has Happened To You?

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Ryan's POV

Another week has gone by and still no Ricky. Angelo has been leaving the house more than usual. Probably hanging out with Paige since she just got back from visiting her parents. I haven't seen her yet to ask her about Ricky and I don't have her phone number anymore.

"So same time tomorrow?" Allie asks me, bringing me out of my trance.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to miss hanging with you." I confirm our plans to meet up again tomorrow.

"Sounds great, but please shower. You smell atrocious." Allie giggles.

"Maybe I will shower, only if you join me though." I joke.

"Way to be a fuckboi Sitkowski." Allie says.

"How dare you insult me, I am not a fuckboi." I say while putting my hand up to my chest to mock being offended.

"Whatever you say. I really have to go now. The flower shop needs me." Allie tells me before standing up to leave.

"See you tomorrow." I yell at her before she exists the coffee shop.

"Definitely." she yells back.

Angelo's POV

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into. I've been helping you for a week and you still won't tell me." I ask Ricky when we get inside my car. I have been his ride for the last week. Taking him back and forth from the store and some shitty motel he is staying at.

"Things that I should have stayed away from. I just can't talk about it right now. One day I will tell you just not right now. I'm still not completely in the clear and I don't want anyone getting hurt." Ricky whispers.

"You are so damn lucky I'm doing this with few questions. If you asked Chris or Josh to do this they would have been pounding you with questions." I say jokingly.

"Yeah that's why I asked you. Plus you can actually keep things a secret for awhile. Everyone else can't seem to keep their mouths shut." Ricky laughs. It isn't much if a laugh but it's something.

"Ryan can keep a secret better than all of us, why didn't you ask him?" I ask Ricky.

"Because it would hurt him so much. For me to disappear when he needed me most and then magically pop up again only when I need his help. It wouldn't have been right." Ricky answers.

"He misses you like crazy but his anxiety has gotten better. Allie has been a great help. She may have been a bitch in high school but she has really helped all of us." I tell him.

"Yeah I get it, Allie is a fucking saint." Ricky growls.

"Shit man, just calm down. No need to get your panties in a twist." I say in attempt to calm Ricky down.

The ride is silent for another 10 minutes before Ricky decides to start conversing again.

"Do you think I could come back home in a week or so?" Ricky asks me.

"You are allowed home anytime." I respond.

"Thanks Ange, I appreciate it." Ricky says.

I don't know what Ricky did while he was gone but I hope whatever it was gets dealt with soon. We all need Ricky back in our lives. Without him we just aren't the same.

Ryan's POV

It's currently 2:30 and I have to meet Allie at the coffee shop in 30 minutes. The drive there is about 15 minutes so I have 15 minutes to get ready. The only problem is I currently do not have any clean clothes. This is absolutely fantastic. I'll just take something of Angelo's.

I quietly enter Angelo's room. I just about make it to his drawer when I fall. It wasn't a very graceful fall either. I probably woke up the whole country with how loud my fall was. There is without a doubt that Angelo is awake now.

"What are you doings Sitkowski?" Angelo's asks groggily.

"I could be asking you the same thing. Sleeping at 2:34 pm." I counter.

"I was up late last night helping Ri- a friend. Seriously what are you doing?" Angelo asks again.

"I am meeting Allie soon and I need some clothes." I finally answer his question.

"I'm pretty sure just of my clothes are dirty too thanks to someone taking them whenever their own clothes aren't clean. Why don't you go to your place and pick up some clean clothes from there, or better yet, pack up your things and go back home." Angelo snickers.

"You're right all your clothes are dirty. I'll just take something of Ricky's. Hopefully it fits. And why live at my home when I can stay here and have you do my laundry. Plus if all my clothes get dirty I can take from you or take from what Ricky left here."

"He's coming back soon though so clean all his clothes please." Angelo mumbles. A look of shock spreads across his face once he realizes what he said.

"What do you mean he's coming soon?" I ask Angelo.

"He asked me if he could come back in a week or so." Angelo says casually.

"Angelo what the fuck have I missed. You are going to wake up right now and tell me!" I begin yelling at Angelo.

"Give me five minutes." Angelo says, the pillow muffling his words.

"Get. Up. Now!" I shout at Angelo between hitting him with a pillow.

"Okay I'm up just stop hitting me please. I'll explain everything I know to you but there are still things he won't tell me." Angelo quickly gets up from the bed.

"Thank you. Also I'm sorry about hitting you so many times." I apologize.

*after Angelo explains everything*

"Well what the hell has he gotten into?" I question angrily.

"I already told you, I have no idea." Angelo answers calmly.

"Take me to him right now." I demand.

"I can't, Ryan. I really can't. I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone, especially you." Angelo sighs.

"Why doesn't he want me to know?" I ask feeling hurt that Ricky didn't tell me anything.

"I don't know. Why don't you call Allie? She's probably wondering why you didn't show up to your guys' date." Angelo suggests.

"Whatever." I mumble.

Oh my sweet Ricky, what have you gotten yourself into?

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