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I am very well aware that the ending I've given to this book wouldn't satisfy some, considering many of you have been waiting for it for so long. It was the ending that has been planned and partially written for literal years, so I couldn't just erase it. But, for those that don't like it, or don't have enough patience to wait and see if I can produce a book to follow, I've written this chapter as an alternate ending for Stiles & Eleanor <3

[ start of alternate ]

ELEANOR LEANT AGAINST the door frame of Stiles' room quietly, observing the way his hair glinted flecks of gold in the light of sundown; he was sat at his desk, his bottom lip between his teeth as he concentrated excruciatingly well.

Although hating to disturb him, Eleanor couldn't wait any longer than the 8 years she already had to tell Stiles how she truly felt. Heart beating and pulse racing, she brought her knuckle to the ajar door and knocked gently.

The noise startled him, knocking him out of focus as his eyes flickered to the door, where Eleanor stood. His eyes went wide in what seemed to be alarm, although the Hale could not quite pinpoint the emotion, and immediately snapped his laptop shut.

Eleanor cleared her throat whilst Stiles was in the midst of this and smiled timidly. "Can we talk?"

The boy seemed more nervous than usual, his gaze flickering between the floor and Eleanor herself, who pulled her plump lips into a frown.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Stiles hesitated to answer, which gave Eleanor all the more reason to continue. "Because I can leave and come back later if you want?"

Stiles shook his head rapidly. "No, no not at all."

The young Stilinski beckoned her into the room and patted the space beside him on his bed.

"So, what are you doing here? What did you want to talk about?"

"You." When she looked up at Stiles, she could tell immediately by his bewildered facial expression that she had been too abrupt. "I - I mean, not just you, us - I mean, us as like us."

Confusing Stiles even more, Eleanor sighed and rubbed a hand over her face, her confidence dissipating as each second passed. She groaned, screwing her eyes shut as Stiles leant forward and pressed a comforting hand on her thigh.

"Els, what is it? We tell each other everything."

"I haven't." Eleanor breathed, opening her eyes and exposing herself to him for what felt like the first time. He furrowed his eyebrows as she continued. "I haven't been telling you everything - I don't think I ever have told you everything."

Stiles leant backward, confused. "What are you on about, Nora?"

"There's no easy way to say it, Ti. So I need you to promise me that things won't change after this - I don't want to end up with nothing. I don't want to end up without you."

"Eleanor, you're scaring me the way you're talking." Stiles gulped, biting his lip as he stood up from the bed. "I'm sure it's not that big of a deal, if you would just tell me then-"

"I love you."

Stiles seemed unfazed by her declaration, turning back to face her as he smiled innocently. "I love you too."

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