xviii. anchors

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[ start of anchors part two ]

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[ start of anchors part two ]

AFTER THE DISTURBING discovery the group had made from Kira, the original quartet of friends decided that maybe a visit to Deaton would help to clear their heads and aid them in understanding exactly what was happening to them.

  Stiles told the doctor immediately of the daydreams he had been having, not noticing the side-eyed glance Deaton gave Eleanor as Stiles spoke. If it was happening to him, it was surely happening to her.

  "It sounds like your subconscious is trying to communicate with you."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at the veterinarian, irritated. "Well, how do I tell my subconscious to use a language that I actually know?"

  "Do you remember what the sign language looked like? The placement and movement of the hands?"

  Scott rose a surprised brow at his former boss. "You know sign language?"

  "I know a little." He shrugged, turning back to look at Stiles, encouraging him to continue. "Let me give it a shot."

Stiles nodded and put his hands out directly in front of him. His pointer finger was stuck out in the air and his other pointer finger circled around it. "Okay, the first one was like this."

  "That's 'when'."

  "Then there was this, twice." Stiles continued by pulling one hand away from the other in a swift motion.

  "That's door."

  "And this in between it." Finally, Stiles slid his thumb to the bottom of his chin and swiped toward Deaton, a desperate look for answers embedded in his eyes.

  Eleanor bit her lip as Deaton's brows furrowed. "That's it?"

Stiles nodded and Deaton sighed. "When is a door not a door?"

  Eleanor rose her eyebrows in disbelief. "When is a door not a door? You're serious?"

  "When its ajar."

  Stiles turned abruptly to look at Scott after his answer. His head cocked forward and he turned to look back at Deaton with a frustrated grimace on his lips. "You're kidding me. A riddle? My subconscious wants to tell me a riddle?"

  "Not necessarily." Deaton hummed. His eyes cast over Eleanor before continuing to the four awaiting a reply. "When the three of you went under the water, when you crossed from unconsciousness to a kind of super-consciousness, you essentially opened a door in your minds."

  Jaden bit his lip and crossed his arms over his chest in a questioning manner. "So what does that mean? The door's still open?"


  "A door into our minds?" Stiles spoke dryly, seemingly rather annoyed at the unfortunate events.

  Deaton sighed. "I did tell you it was risky."

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