Chapter 88 Extra 2

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pure love novel

romance novel

Lily Novels


Chapter 88 Extra 2

2023-9-26 09:24 Category: The infatuated male protagonist does not exist [Through the Book]Turn off the lights

After the wedding, the honeymoon was quickly put on the agenda.

The affairs of the Qin family were once again left to Qin Pei. Qin Mingyuan, who had always worked diligently, was going to take a long vacation this time to spend time with his lover.

Because Yunpei's wish to go to the beach with his family did not come true, in order to make up for his regret, they chose an island under the Qin family's name as the first stop of their honeymoon trip.

This island was originally bought for the Qin family's vacation. It is a private island and not open to the public.

But later Zeng Chang changed his mind and complained that it was deserted there. He complained that it was not like going on a relaxing vacation, but more like surviving on a deserted island. There was not a single living person in sight for 800 miles.

Qin Pei, who has always met his wife's requirements, quickly put the construction of the island on the agenda and turned the private island into a resort. To this day, it has everything you need and a variety of entertainment projects.

However, there is also a private area left on the island for them to play when they occasionally go there. They can also be quiet and quiet when they don't like the excitement.

It was already dusk when they arrived on the island. Qin Mingyuan took Yun Pei directly back to the villa on the island. Someone was hired to take care of it. It was very clean and they could move in directly.

Qin Mingyuan simply packed his luggage and saw Yun Pei's figure in a wheelchair standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The setting sun gave him a warm yellow light.

He walked over and put his hand on the back of the other person's wheelchair, "What are you looking at?"

Yun Pei looked back at him and smiled, "The sea is beautiful at dusk."

Seeing that he liked it, Qin Mingyuan said, "If you're not tired, would you like to go for a walk?"

Yunpei patted the armrest of the wheelchair and said, "I'm fine. I'm in a wheelchair anyway. What about you?"

Qin Mingyuan didn't answer any more, just brought him a thin coat and pushed him out.

The salty sea breeze carrying the lingering warmth of the day blew towards my face, and the sea water turned into white waves again and again, lapping at the golden beach.

They move along the coastline, the setting sun elongating their shadows, a perfect composition that both photographers and painters will love.

"When I was young, my mother said that she would take me to the beach and let me see this vast beauty." Yunpei was pushed forward slowly, and when he mentioned his mother, his tone no longer had the sadness and resentment it once had. There is a lot of nostalgia, "It's a pity that I couldn't come with her once."

The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn't Exist [Transmigration into Book]Where stories live. Discover now