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Odessa Pond Williams has suffered.

Years ago, she met a mystical man called the Doctor. He asked her, her brother, Rory, and Amy to travel with him.

They were selfish, so they agreed. Back then, none of them knew what they were about to lose.

Odessa loved her adventures in time and space, and with time, she grew to love the Doctor as well. Luckily for her, he felt the same way.

They all stayed that way for a while, the two happy couples travelling through all of time and space.

But it all came crashing down the day they ended up in New York City. The very name was enough to put a bitter taste in Odessa's mouth, even tears after that fateful day.

That was the day she lost her brother and the woman that she considered her sister. Amy and Rory were lost to the angels that took Manhattan.

The Doctor and Odessa were both heartbroken. Neither of them could bare the guilt that ate away at them.

The Doctor returned Odessa to her home, per her request, so she could grieve their losses alone. He did the same, settling on a cloud in Victorian London.

Even though they never truly broke up, it was evident that the two remaining lovers were no more.

Time and space weren't the only things separating their aching hearts. The whole left by the Pond's occupied more space than anyone could ever be able to comprehend.

Shortly after the worst day of her life, Odessa Williams was gone.

She didn't physically disappear, but mentally she was scarred. She would never be the same as before, meaning she also could never be the same woman that fell for the Doctor.

She no longer believed that love was worth it. After all, she had seen what love had done to two of the dearest people in her life. 

Despite the overwhelming urge to wallow in her grief, as her former lover had chosen to do, she moved on.

Through the pain, she made a name for herself in the world of photography. Odessa always had a passion for the art, so she made it her career.

Her life consisted of photographing concerts, parties and other lively events. She rarely had any free time, which meant she had little time to dwell on any thoughts of hurt concerning Amy and Rory.

She did, however, manage to incorporate one important part of them into her new life: her name.

After their deaths, Odessa officially started going by Odessa Pond. Sometimes she would hyphenate it with her given last name, but very rarely.

She preferred Amy's magical surname. After all, on their time on the Tardis, her and Rory were also crowned honorary Ponds.

Odessa could almost smile at the memory with the Doctor, Amy and Rory.

"Come along, Ponds!", The boisterous voice of the eleventh doctor rang through the control room of the Tardis.

"Ponds? There's only one Pond here, Doctor.", Rory pointed out as he, Amy and Odessa stared blankly at the man.

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