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xᴠɪ. ᴋᴇʀʙʟᴀᴍ ɪᴛ!
The Tardis is hurtling through the Vortex. The entire ship shakes violently as the Doctor slides around, pulling at levers and presses buttons.

"Hold on."

"We are holding on!", Yaz cries as she falls over from a particularly rough shake. Luckily, Tilira manages to catch her before she can go flying into the wall. After that, the ride gets less bumpy.

Odessa smirks as she strokes the console. It lights up, sending a pleased hum. Even the Tardis is eager for Yaz and Tilira to get together.

"Well, hold on tighter.", The Doctor calls back to Yaz, bringing Odessa out of her silent conversation with the Tardis.

"Can you do something about this turbulence?"

"I'm avoiding something. Argh, can't get the hang of these new systems.", The Doctor groans.

"What is it?"

"No, it's still coming for us. Oh! It's a teleport pulse."

"Ah! What's that?", Alfi asks from his place near Ryan.

The light enters the Tardis and turns into a humanoid robot in uniform and cap, holding a box. A jingle plays.

"Delivery for the Doctor."

The Doctor hops into the air with a shout.

"Ah, it's the Kerblam man!"

Odessa can't help but laugh at her fiancé's enthusiasm.

"It's the what?"

"The Kerblam man.", The time lady repeats as she stands before the robot.

"You're just making sounds now.", Graham scoffs as The Doctor takes the box from the Kerblam man.

"Delivery fulfilled. And remember, if you want it, Kerblam it!", The robot dissolves into the Kerblam logo, the jingle plays again and then it disappears completely.

"Space postman. I've seen it all now.", Graham mutters.

"Delivery bots. Kerblam's the biggest retailer in this galaxy."

"Right then, what'd ya get?", Tilira asks, walking over with Odessa. 

"I don't remember ordering anything. Must've been a while back.", The Doctor opens the box and takes out a red fez.

Odessa can't help but smile as she remembers her bow tie clad Doctor, that was obsessed with making everything cool. Bow ties, fezzes, stetsons, glasses.

The Doctor puts it on.

"Oh. What do you think? Still me?"


Odessa smiles as she leans down to plant a kiss on the tip of the Doctor's nose.

"It's always you.", She grins.

The Doctor smiles back at her a moment, before taking off the fez and placing it on Odessa's head. The blonde rolls her eyes, but makes no effort to remove it.

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