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ɪɪɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ᴍᴏɴᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ
"Let's try through here.", The Doctor says as she enters a hallway, carefully guiding Odessa from behind, hands resting on her waist.

"Is this really necessary? I can walk by myself, you know?"

"I know. But you're not getting hurt again. This way, I can keep an eye out for you.", The Doctor replies before finally noticing that Angstrom and Epzo are also in the hall.

Epzo is breathing heavily and clutching his side as he leans on the wall. Angstrom is nearby, looking at him with concern.

"What just happened?"

"What do you care? You don't care about anything.", The Doctor asks, over his attitude by this point.

"Ooo, tracker, thanks.", She takes Angstrom's tracker device.

"How did you even do that?"

"Did I not mention? I am really smart."

"And humble, eh?", Odessa snorts.

"Love you too, Odie.", The Doctor scoffs but places a kiss to the girl's cheek anyway.

"Thank you.", Angstrom says to the Doctor.

"You are very welcome. Amazing what you can learn from a SniperBot. Like where their control commands emanate from. Also, maps. Which leads us... here."

They all stand around a sealed hatch. The Doctor sonicks the wheel into turning so it can be opened.

"I want answers to this planet and I think they're down there."

Odessa nods in agreement as the Doctor's hands settle on her waist once again.

"You sure about that?"

"Nope. Come on."

The Doctor climbs down first, before helping Odessa down. Graham and Yaz descend soon thereafter.

"Why is it always ladders?", Ryan sighs before climbing down after everyone.
"See? Second nature now.", Yaz grins as Ryan steps onto solid ground once again.

"No, not really. Thanks for waiting."


"These tunnels runs under half of the planet. Think of the technology, the civilisation required to build all that. And then ask yourselves, where are they?How's the injury?", The Doctor turns to Epzo, who is still holding his side.

"It's painful."

"Hope it's made you reconsider your entire philosophy."

"Nope.", He shakes his head as she turns to Odessa.

"How are you doing, Odie? I might have some pain killers in these poc-"

"I'm fine, Love.", Odessa smiles, despite the throbbing pain radiating off her side.

"Doctor? Scorch marks all along the walls.", Graham points out, running his hand along the marks of the tunnel.

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