
45 1 4

xᴠ. ꜰᴇꜱᴛɪᴠɪᴛɪᴇꜱ
Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I just wanted to give a brief content warning for this chapter.
- I will but another brief note prior to this scene , so you can read the rest of this chapter.

- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots!
Tilira happily dances around the console room of the Tardis. After an entire week, the Doctor and Odessa had finally gotten around to telling the rest of the fam their special news.

Tilira remembers the moment fondly.
"I'm told you two have news?", Graham says as he walks into the kitchen.

The rest of the fam is already seated when he enters. The Doctor and Odessa are standing in front of the table.

"Take a seat, Graham."

"We're not being evicted are we? Are there some sort of bills we owe?", He asks, although they all know he is joking.

"No. Nothing like that. Odie and I just wanted to share some news with you. We're engaged!"

"Theta! We were meant to tell them together!", Odessa laughs as the Doctor shrugs.

"I couldn't wait. M'sorry, Darlin'

A chorus of 'aww's sound as the time lady leans over to kiss her fiancé. Well, everyone except Ryan, who visibly cringes.

"Ryan! Be nice!", Yaz playfully scolds him.

"I don't like seeing people kiss! It's-", He cuts himself off with an involuntary shiver.

"That's okay. Anyways.", Odessa claps her hands together.

"There is a flood of wedding plans amd parties in all of our future's. Of course, you are all invited to everything.", She smiles at them all.

"Just how many events are we talking?", Tilira asks.

"Lots. If there's one thing my family can do, it's throw a good party or two, or twenty."

Everyone's eyebrows shoot up, including the Doctor's.


"Yeah. Sorry, Love. I should've warned you."

The Doctor waves it off.

"That's fine. You're worth it. Besides, I love parties!"
Tilira takes a break from practicing her dancing as a very stressed Odessa walking into the room, followed by a reassuring Doctor.

"-and the cake won't be there right one. And my aunt and uncle will be there. And Amy's parents. And all my friends. And my old classmates. And of course my parent's fri-"


The worried blonde turns around to face her lover.

"It's okay. The fam will be there. And so will I. You can do this. We will do it all. Together?", The time lady holds Odessa's face between her hands as she smiles.

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