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The fam stands in the doorway of the Tardis, watching what appears to be a fireworks display.

"Wait for it. Last one. See? Cosmic fireworks.", The Doctor smiles as a gaseous nebula starts to throw off lots of energy.

"Never gets old.", Odessa mumbles, recalling all the times the Doctor has shown her this particular nebula.

"Hey, Doc, I gotta hand it to you. That is the best fireworks display I've ever seen.", Graham comments.

"Didn't I say?", The Doctor grins as she pulls Odessa further into her side.


Alfi shyly smiles at Ryan as he beams.

"Nineteen New Year's Eves in a row. Which was your favourite?"

"I did love Mesopotamia.", Graham answers.

"Ah, the original."

"Oh, really? So Iraq invented New Year."

"Good old New York, 1969. I mean come on! The year of the moon landing!", Tilira grins. Ever since her and Alfi's move to Earth, they have both fully immersed themselves in the culture and more specifically history. Particularly Tilira.

"Sydney 2000, watching the fireworks on top of the Harbour Bridge. Until you nearly fell off.", Ryan pipes up before rubbing shoulders with Graham.


"1801, discovering that dwarf planet with your Italian mate.", Yaz pipes up.

"Lovely Giuseppe Piazzi.", Odessa chuckles.

"How about you, Alfi?"

"I really liked Prague in 2016. That was fun!", He grins.

The others smile as face joy is overtaken with joy.

"Odie?", Tilira asks, turning to Odessa. The blonde ponders for a moment, ignoring her wife's sour expression. The time lady still isn't used to others using her beloved nickname, quite yet.

"You can never go wrong with Venice. And I love the 80s.", Odessa giddily admits, bringing smiles to all the fam's faces.

"Shall we do one more? Make it a round twenty. I'm thinking Quantifer, little settlement on the edge of the known universe, where it's permanently New Year's Eve. Every day. They've got the best balloons.", As the Doctor is explaining an alarm sounds.

Odessa kisses her cheek as she groans and stalks off over to the console.

"Is that important?"

"No, not really. It's just Earth. I leave a little alarm on, as it's your home, just in case. Oh, that's bad.", The time lady says once she looks closely at the screen.

"What?", Graham asks.

"Oh, that's worse. That's worse than worse."

"What are you getting?", Ryan asks.

When he is also left ignored, Odessa walks over and observes the screen.

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