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ᴠɪɪɪ. ᴀʀᴀᴄʜɴɪᴅꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴋ
Everyone is holding onto something for dear life, as the Tardis careens through the Vortex.

"Nearly there!", The Doctor calls, barely managing to catch Odessa by the waist as her grips loosens and she goes flying past.

"Are you sure you've got this under control?"

"Totally. New systems. Just running them in."
The Tardis materialises outside a modern block of flats.

"We're home. We're actually home!", Yaz celebrates as she sees outside with Ryan and Graham.

The Doctor smiles at their enthusiasm before also stepping out.

Odessa lingers inside for a moment with Tilira and Alfi.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Ready for it? I can't even begin to explain how excited I am."

"And terrified.", Alfi pipes up, making Tilira chuckle.

"You got that right. C'mon Alfi, let's do this."

Tilira holds out a hand to him. He soon takes it before they step out into their new home.

Odessa trails behind them with a beaming smile. She stands back near the Tardis, listening to the others converse.

"We're at Park Hill."

"That's my flat, there.", Yaz points at a set of flats as Ryan's eyes widen.

"Wait, you live at Park Hill? We're just up there."

"And I've got mobile signal again. But no messages.", Yaz is disappointed as she checks her phone.

"But to be fair, it's only half an hour since you left."

"What, half an hour since we were with you were in that warehouse?", Graham asks.



Tilira and Alfi look around with smiles overtaking their faces.

"So this is Earth?"

"Yep.", The Doctor says, walking over to stand with Odessa.

"It's nice....so far.", Tilira smirks.

"You should check it out! Go explore!", Odessa urges them.

"We might just take you up on that."

All conversation ceases, resulting in an air of extremely awkward silence to settle on the group.

"So... I suppose this is it.", The Doctor starts, unable to bear the quiet any longer.

"Yeah, I suppose it is."

"Got you back. Guess we're done. Nice having you aboard.", The Doctor says.

Odessa sighs as she grabs her hand.

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