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ɪᴠ. ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ ɪɴ ᴍᴏɴᴛɢᴏᴍᴇʀʏ
Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I just wanted to give a brief content warning for this chapter.

- A slur against LGBT+ has been used. I hate that it was necessary. Although, in this time period things were drastically different.

- I also feel that the obvious racism of this episode needs to be counted as a content warning. Again, this is a very different but equally horrific time period.

- There is a slight allusion of intent of sexual assault. Although nothing happens, I did want to give a warning for anyone who might need to skip it.

- I will but another brief note prior to these scenes, so you can read the rest of this chapter.

- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots!

The Tardis materialises in an alley and the Doctor pokes her head out.

"Nearly.", She concludes.
"Sheffield?", Yaz guesses.

"Almost. Really close."

"So not Sheffield, then?"

"You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?", The Doctor scolds the Tardis as Yaz, Ryan and Graham watch on in confusion. Odessa watches on, amused by the situation.

"Who are you talking to?", Yaz asks.

"If it's me, I haven't touched anything."

"I'm talking to the Tardis, because this is our ninth attempt."

"Fourteenth.", Graham corrects her, causing Odessa to snort.

"Oi.", The Doctor says, sounded offended.

"Sorry, Love."

"You can't control this thing, can you?", Graham asks in exasperation.

"Excuse me. Yes, I can. Most of the time. Just sometimes, like now, she has a mind of her own."

"So where are we, actually?"

"Earth, United States. 1955, Montgomery, Alabama, if I'm reading this properly. New displays. Still figuring them out."

"Ooh, fun! Although, the 50's may not be the best idea, Dear.", Odessa softly strokes the console.

"Who are you talking to?", Graham asks.

"The Tardis."

"Hang on a minute. 1955? Elvis. Could we see Elvis?"

"I think he's in New York this week. I could give him a call.", The Doctor offers.

"You haven't got Elvis's phone number."

"Don't ever tell anyone I lent him a mobile phone."

The sound of an alarm rings through the quiet room.

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