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xxɪɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏʟɪᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ
The Doctor sonics the portal shut.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, but I think we're safe for now."

"Hey, have they moved things around in here? Everything looks different.", The Doctor and Graham turn around to see what Yaz is talking about.

The bedroom is a lot brighter and there's no writing on the wall.

"I don't think that was the same portal we came in through."

"But if that wasn't the same portal, how we are back in this bedroom?", Alfi mutters.

"Looks to me like we've ended up the other side of the mirror."

The mirror is now a solid pane of glass. Meanwhile, Hanne has gone through the portal in her cottage and is feeling her way along the tunnel with Tilira.
A bird call brings Ryan to consciousness.

"Hanne!", He cries, rushing over to the mirror.

Hanne has found the Doctor's string and is following it. Tilira follows her, not seeing what she is doing.

She knows that Hanne needs to feel independent, so she steps back to let her try and lead the way.
The travellers come downstairs and find a man at the kitchenette.

"Not interrupting, are we?"


"Ah!", They all jump as he cries out.

"What are you doing in my house?"

"What are you doing in your house? And how is this your house, Erik? It can't be, can it?!", The Doctor eyes the rolling pin he is using to threaten her.

The logo on his t-shirt appears to be reversed.

"Theta.", Odessa softly calls in her fiancé's ear, pointing to the reversed logo.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?", Erik demands.

"Put that down. We just came through an antizone, sent by your abandoned daughter, and it wasn't much fun."

"Hanne's not abandoned.", He scoffs.

"Oh, yes, she is, mate. She's scared and hungry and thinks you've been abducted."

"She's a teenager. There's food in the freezer. She's fine without me."

"There's a monster on the loose in the woods outside your house.", Alfi says, glaring at the man for neglecting his daughter.

"No, there isn't."

"You seem very sure about that.", Odessa points out.

"It's just recordings so she doesn't go out up into the hills."

"You turned your house into a fortress to keep your daughter scared?"

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