
43 1 1

xxɪɪɪ. ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ᴠᴜ
Odessa and the Doctor are trekking through a random patch of forest.

"Where exactly are we?", Odessa asks as the Doctor scans around with the sonic.

"1562, England. I'll admit, even I'm stumped.", The time lady huffs, stopping to look around with her hands on her hips.

"I still can't believe Sexy kicked us out. I mean, what would be strong enough to have her lock us out?"

"Lots of things, actually. Time loops, timeline collapse. I could go on but I feel like our time would better be spent trying to figure out what the problem is."

"Fair point.", Odessa sighs, walking over to rejoin her Fiancé. They intertwine their hands as they continue to walk through the thick brush.

Not too far off, something falls harshly to the ground with an outcry.


The couple shares a glance before racing off to find the source of the noise.

They arrive in a clearing to see the Tenth Doctor wearing a Fez and the Eleventh laying in a heap on the ground.

"Who is this man?", A red haired woman asks, staring at Eleven in shock. An identical red woman stand nearby.

"That's just what I was wondering.", Ten replies.

"And who are they?"

Both male doctor's spin around to see Thirteen and Odessa.

"Who'd ya think?"

"Odie?", Eleven's face contorts in shock.

Odessa squeezes Thirteen's hand before letting go and approaching him.


With that one simple word, he leans forward and gathers her in his arms. His hand carefully cradles the back of her head as he holds her close to his chest.

Odessa smiles as his familiar scent invades her senses.

Ten and both red haired women watch on with confused looks, but Thirteen smiles fondly. She knows just how much this means to her past self, so she relishes in the moment.

Finally, he pulls away from the girl, a bright smile now adoring his lips.

"How are yo- Wha- I don't-"

Odessa smirks, before telepathically connecting with him.

"We found each other. She is looking out for me. No need to feel guilty anymore, Darling."

Eleven, Ten and Thirteen all receive her comforting message.

"I'm sorry. What the hell just happened? How did you do that?", Ten knits his eyebrows together as he stares at Odessa in shock.

Feeling somewhat protective over the girl, Eleven and Thirteen both step closer to the smirking blonde.


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