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ᴠɪɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪᴠᴇ
Odessa was numb.

She couldn't feel anything. Physically or otherwise.

The Cybermen had officially taken everything from her.

Her emotions were stolen from her, leaving her as a shell of herself.

Her eyes barely focused on the machines in front of her, so they certainly didn't focus as the metal door slammed open.

In a matter of minutes, all twenty of the Cyberman had been taken down. Not that Odessa acknowledged any of this.

With clouded thoughts, she couldn't properly identify any of the other humans in the room as they rushed over to her. However, as the wires were unhooked from the machine, she started to gain some feelings back.

Particularly concerning the very stressed out blonde woman tearing the wires apart haphazardly.

And then, the memories all came flooding back along with every emotion a human is capable of feeling.

And that was when Odessa was overwhelmed right into unconsciousness.
From the smoke, The Doctor carries Odessa's unconscious body. Her arm drops as her lover's determination to destroy the Cyberman increases.

"Doctor!", Yaz cries out, relieved to see that the woman is alive.

They had all lost sight of each other in the midst of taking down the room full of Cybermen.

"What happened?", She asks, looking down at Odessa.

"Doctor!", She calls again to get the woman's attention.


"What happened to the Cybermen in there?"

"They died.", She spits before kneeling down to lay Odessa on the ground nearby Graham. They all watch her as she cradles the woman's head in her hands and she leans down to kiss her forehead.

"Is she-"


The Doctor shakes her head, closing her eyes for a moment.

"No. She's just unconscious. Watch after her.", She demands before storming off down the doorway they entered through.

"Where's Lasson?", Alfi asks, running over to the join the others.

"He's not with you?", Tilira's eyebrows furrow as the boy shakes his head.

Graham, Yaz and Ryan all share a look that portrays their suspicions.

"Maybe we should follow the Doc. Better than standing around here, innit?", Graham chuckles, trying to change the subject.

Tilira nods.

"Yeah. Let's do that."

"Someone will have to stay with Odessa, though.", Yaz comments, sadly looking at the girl lying on the ground.

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