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ᴠɪ. ꜱᴘʏ ꜰᴀʟʟ
Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I just wanted to give a brief content warning for this chapter.

- There is mentions of physical assault as well as a miscarriage and the trauma of a still birth. Please skip this chapter if either of those topics trigger you.

- I will make sure to add in another warning before the topics so that you may read the rest of this chapter. would like to read the rest of the

- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots!
Odessa slumps on the ground as she gasps for air.

"I said...scream!", The Master hovers above her, shouting down at her.

"No! No-I- I won't help you hurt her.", Odessa shakes her head.

With an annoyed growl, he forces her flat onto the ground with his boot on her back.

"Damn you, Doctor. Can't believe she taught you how to resist."

Odessa smiles as she fondly remembers that moment with the Doctor. Unfortunately, she remembered it too late to stop herself from submitting to Hitler, under the Master's control. But no more. Now, she can fight back. Now, she can resist.

"If you don't scream, I'll-"

"What? Do nothing? What more can you do to me? I don't care.", She scoffs, glaring up at him even as she attempts to bring herself to a kneeling position despite her newfound distaste for it.

"Do you want me to hurt her? Do you? Because you're really starting to push me that way."

Odessa swallows thickly at his unwavering stare before she finds herself being forced to her feet by her hair. The Master smirks as he notices the way her body leans against his own for support despite her attempts to stand on her own.

With another smirk, he snakes a hand under her skirt to harshly press down on her wound from the attack in the Gallery.

The cry she lets out is genuine, but he knows more will be required to draw the Doctor from wherever she has hidden herself away.

"Louder.", He grunts into Odessa's ear. A wave of nausea racks through her body as she realises he is getting off on this, on her pain.

With a grimace, Odessa screams as loud as her lungs will allow.

"Say her name.", He orders.

The Master closes his eyes with a pleased hum as she does so.

Unbeknownst to them both, the Doctor struggles to contain her sobs from underneath the kind stranger's floorboards.
A loud banging sounds on a door, then the Germans force themselves inside. Noor, the woman who helped the Doctor and Ada, is sitting at a desk by the window.

"Yes?", She asks, feigning innocence as an officer throws some of her papers on the floor.

The Master enters, personally forcing Odessa in front of him. The woman cries out as her knees ram into the wood of the floorboards.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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