
36 1 6

xxᴠɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴜx
"Two codebreakers, thirty chambers. How much time do you reckon we've got?", Alfi asks the others.

Ryan bites hit tongue to keep quiet, but his remark is still lingering under the surface.

"Not enough. And what's bothering me is how do we know these chambers aren't set to kill the people if they're tampered with, cos you know how sick that creature is."

"Still doesn't give you an excuse to go after him.", Ryan insists.

"Look at the people in here. It totally proves my point."

"They're trained soldiers, and they couldn't beat him, and you still think you can take him?", Alfi suddenly turns to Graham.

"Oi! That's my grandad you're yelling at.", Ryan glares at Alfi before Graham turns to him, now.

"Oh, yeah? And why do you care all of a sudden? According to you, I was never good enough for your Nan anyway."

"I said that a long time ago, Grandad."

"Yeah, and I've been waiting too long for that and all.", Graham scoffs.

"Maybe. But you got it now. We're family. And I love you."

"What did you just say?", Graham stops dead in his tracks.

"I'm not saying it twice. Don't pretend you couldn't hear me the first time. I'm telling you what she used to tell me. Be the better man. Please."

Just then, a device beeps.

"Why's it doing that?", Alfi asks. Graham doesn't answer because he doesn't understand either, and Ryan is ignoring him.

Alfi lightly knocks Graham's shoulder with his own.

"Why's it doing that?", The older man repeats Alfi's question, confused.

"Motion detector, maybe. Do you think the robots shooting each other set off an alarm?", Ryan guesses immediately.

"I don't...", Graham trails off, shaking his head.
"When you say revenge, revenge on who?"

"You, Doctor.", Tzim-Sha answers, causing the Doctor's glare to deepen.

"Oh, no. Don't put this on me."

"If you had not interfered, I would have become leader. First of the Stenza. And yet, I should thank you."

Although she doesn't understand what is happening, Tilira moves closer to the Doctor, feeling the need to somehow comfort her.

"Thank me? Why?"

"You have made me a god.", Tzim-Sha smirks.

"Doesn't look like it to me.", Tilira scoffs.

"Tilly. Quiet, please. You are nothing of the sort. Now, tell me what this is.", The Doctor scolds Tilira before addressing Tzim-Sha and holding up the polyhedron.

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