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ᴠ. ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ
Night has fallen. The Doctor joins Rosa in the Colored section.

"Hi. Nice to see you again. Mrs Parks, right?", Yaz addresses her.


"You helped us out earlier today with our little misunderstanding."

" I remember. British."

"Yes. Funny thing, you'll never believe this, we're actually doing market research for bus companies. Looking at people's transport habits. Answer the questions, enter the raffle for a prize. You get this bus this time every day?", The Doctor starts to quiz her.

"Most days. Always this time."

"And you live...?"

"Cleveland Court. Next stop. Ma'am, if you keep sitting there, we're all going to have to move.", She informs her.

"What do you mean?"

"If white folks need seats, by law, I have to give mine up. This middle section is only for coloureds if white folk don't need it.", Rose sighs, but they can all hear the anger bubbling just under the surface of what she was saying.

"Well, that's not right.", Graham scoffs as the Doctor gets up and moves to an empty white seat.

"Tell your company that, sir. If I win your raffle, will that give me the right to sit anywhere I want on this bus?"

"No.", The Doctor replies, bitterly.

"I didn't think so. This is my stop.", Rosa leaves by the rear door.

"I'm going to follow her. See what I can find out. Meet you back at the motel later."

"Ryan? Be careful.", The Doctor warns him.

"Yeah.", He leaves the bus with a nod.

"Do you think he'll be all right?"

"I hope so. Graham, do you think you can find James Blake, the driver?", The Doctor asks Graham.

"Er, yeah. I'll just have a talk with the bloke at the front and find out where they all drink."

"Yaz, can you compile a timeline of what happens this time tomorrow evening?"

"Okay. What are you going to do?"

"Talk to our friend. Tell him to stay out of history's way.", The Doctor says, glaring as her sadness has faded back into the familiar feeling of rage.
Odessa is carefully shaken awake by Coretta.

"Hey. I know you said you should be going, but we're headed over to the Parks' house. Just a little get together. Do you wanna come along?"

Odessa can't help but enthusiastically nod.

"Sure! Never hurts to meet more people.", She grins as Coretta smiles back at her.

"Alright. We'll be leaving soon."

Odessa nods and makes herself presentable before going back into the sitting room to wait with Martin as his wife finishes up getting herself ready.
"Stalking Rosa Parks. Don't know about this.", Ryan mutters as he follows behind the women.

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