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Graham returns to his living room with a jar of Sainsbury' peanut butter only to find the Tardis has gone.

"Where'd they go?"

"Did they take the cabinet?"

"They've gone without me.", Graham mutters; he is glaring at Aaron, who is standing with him.
"MDZ Research. What was it doing there?", The Doctor wonder aloud.

"Er, they're a weapons research company. The Order of the Custodians claimed that MDZ were buying up any non-terrestrial weaponry on the black market."

"What do you think it got there?", Ryan asks.

"I dunno.", The Doctor mumbles before she frowns.

"What's wrong, Darlin?"

"It's blocking the bio-fix now. I'll have to go old-school. Tracking CCTV cameras, GPS and number plate tracking.", The time lady answers, only to change strategies a moment later.

"It's shooting out the cameras to stop us tracking it. It's taken out a whole junction box! Right, switching to satellite monitoring. See? Can't get away that easy.", She smirks, proud of herself. Odessa smiles at her from her place nearby Tilira, who suddenly pipes up.

"Where's it going? What's it doing?"

"If I knew that, I wouldn't be this panicked.", A loud bang sounds before the Doctor sighs.

"We're gonna need some help."

Odessa pulls out her phone and hands it to her wife, to use.

"Ah. Thank you, Baby.", The time lady smiles as she kisses her cheek and dials a number.
"UK Security Helpline. This is Polly. How can I help?", A woman calmly speaks over the phone as the Doctor's face scrunches up in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"UK Security Helpline. How can I help?"

"Get me Kate Stewart at UNIT. This is a code zero emergency.", The Doctor says hurriedly.

"I don't know what that is, I'm afraid. Which organisation did you say?"

"UNIT. Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This is incredibly urgent. The fate of the entire planet is at stake."

The others watch on with worried look. Odessa anxiously chews her lip as she watches the Doctor start to panic as well.

"Checking for you. Oh, I'm so sorry. UNIT operations have been suspended pending review.", The woman informs the Time Lady.

"What? No, it can't have been. UNIT is a fundamentally vital protection for planet Earth against alien invasion."

"Yes, but when did that last happen?", The woman over the phone scoffs with a chuckle.

"Now! Right now! What happened to it?", The Doctor insists.

"Just checking. All UNIT operations were put on hold following financial disputes and subsequent funding withdrawal by the UK's major international partners."

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