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xɪx. ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴜꜱᴇᴅ
"What was that?", King James stops dead in his tracks at the sound of a scream.

"I cannot imagine."

"Er, best let us deal with that, sire.", Graham says.

"I'll join them, Grandfather. Your safety is priority, after all."

"You should stay here where it's safe, sire."

"Nowhere is safe, until Satan has been vanquished.", King James comments as he starts walking off towards the way the sound came from.

"Er, did it come from that way, sire? I thought it came from the other way. Come on."
"No, stay back, please. I've given you the blob. What more do you need? So annoying when they are silent.", The Doctor speaks to 'Granny'.

"Witchcraft!", King James cries.

"So much for keeping that lot at the house."

"Stay where you are!", King James orders.

"Hi, sire! I know it looks bad, but don't worry. I'm all over it."

"Willa Twiston was the witch all along. I knew it!", Becka gasps.

"Hold up. Leave Willa alone!", Odessa glares at the woman.

"I'm not. This isn't me, Becka, I swear."

"She's right. It's not her and it's not witchcraft. I'm working it out.", The Doctor scans the group of mud women.

"This is beyond you. Alfonso, shoot them."

"Of course, Your Majesty.", Alfonso nods.

"No! Alfonso, don't!"

"Don't!", Odessa cries along with her lover as 'Granny' speaks.

"In the air and in the earth...", Alfonso is knocked down an invisible force.


"Now you've made them angry. They're getting stronger. Everybody out of here. Get away from them now!"

"We must protect you, sire. Back through the forest.", Becka calls. King James agrees at last, so they all race back through the forest.

Odessa moves to run alongside the Doctor, clutching her hand despite all the warnings in her own head.
"Keep running. This clearing, through here."

"I don't think they're following."

"If they're not following, what are they doing?", Odessa wonders aloud, still holding the Doctor's hand.

"Want us to go and look?", Alfie offers.

"We escape from Satan, and you wish to go directly back into battle?", King James stares at him in shock.

"We need to know what they're up to. Make sure no one else is in danger."

"I'll go too. Keep an eye on my... underlings.", Graham struggles to say the words.

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