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ɪɪɪ. ᴇꜱᴘɪᴏɴᴀɢᴇ
Ryan is playing in a pick-up basket ball game with some friends.

He catches the ball and takes a few deep breaths as he readies himself to take the shot.

"Go on, Ryan! Shoot!", The others urge him.

Finally, he takes the shot, only for it to bounce off the rim.

All the others groan and break off to go their separate ways as Ryan hangs his head for a moment.

"Unlucky, man. So, next week? Yeah."

"Good shot, Ryan.", Ryan finally looks up to smile weakly at Alfi's shining grin.


Alfi steps closer to Ryan as one of his friends comes up to chat.

"Laters. You can play now, man. You never used to step on the court.", He tells Ryan.

"I should've got it in. I'll get it in next time.", He assures his buddy.

"You've been sick, though. Appendicitis, right? That's why we ain't seen you?"

Alfi raises a brow but remains silent.

"Oh, yeah, yeah.", Ryan swallows thickly as his urging look.

"And the hernia before that?", Tibo, his friend, continues.

"Oh, yeah. That was bad."

"And that detached retina? Oof, that sounds painful. You've been so unlucky."

Alfi gives a, 'Really?', look before rolling his eyes.

"So unlucky.", Ryan nods at Tibo.

"So what, we don't see you and now you're off travelling? Ah man, sorry. I didn't see ya there. I'm Tibo.", He turns to Alfi.

"Alfi. Nice to meet you."

"You too. So, how do you know Ryan?"

"Ah just mates, innit? We've been travelling together. With some others. Other friends. I mean.", Alfi stutters, suddenly nervous under Tibo's gaze.


"Only for a bit.", Ryan butts in.

"Better be. I've missed you, man. We all do.", Tibo clasps a hand on Ryan's shoulder before they all turn to see two men in black. They are both wearing shades and standing by a black car.

"Is there a problem, guys?", Tibo calls to them.

"Let's go check it out. Eh, Ryan?", Alfi suggests, not so subtlety.

"Yeah sure.", Ryan and Alfi approach the two men and speak with them for a few moments before waving at Tibo and hopping in the car.

Confused and concerned, Tibo watches them drive off.
"Just give me his number.", Sonya begs Yaz.

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