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"Those systems are lit up like a Christmas tree.", Graham points out, looking at the console as the Doctor races around.

"Nine cries for help, nine distress signals, all coming from the same planet. Not just the same planet, the same area of the same planet. Now listen, planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos.", She explains.

"Ranskoor Av what?", Yaz asks.

"Did you say avocado?"

"No. Av Kolos.", The Doctor glares at the Tilira who is smirking.

"I'm calling it Avocado."

"Roughly translated, means Disintegrator of the Soul.", Odessa translates the Gallifreyan on the monitor in front of her.

"Still not used to that.", The Doctor mutters, leaving a kiss on the woman's temple as she walks past.

"Oh, another cheery one.", Alfi scoffs.

"The Tardis is reporting that the planet's transmitting violent psychotropic waves throughout its atmosphere. The type of waves that mess with your brain, distort reality, change moods to the extreme. These are neural balancers. So long as you're wearing one, it should keep you immune to the waves. But you must keep it on at all times.", The Doctor hands out small thin metal devices.

"What happens if we lose them?", Ryan asks as they all put the balancers on.

"Don't lose them."

"Oh. Odie. Unfortunately, since these waves are psychic-"

"No telepathy?", The blonde guesses, not noticing the way her fiancé is admiring her.

"Yeah. No-none of that. Right. Here we go."

"And it has to be us, does it, answering the signals from this planet?", Graham pipes up again.

"No. Not at all. But everyone else has passed them by. You think we should do the same? I've locked onto a craft on the planet's surface. Now, here we go."
The Tardis materialises and the fam step out carefully. Their neural balancers are stuck to their right temples. It is dark and a bit untidy.

"This is one of the ships that sent a distress signal. Cryo-sleep chambers, long-range craft, weapons archive. Been in service for a long time, by the looks of things. But who sent the signal? Where's the crew?", The Doctor starts to ramble as Odessa furiously taps at her arm.


"Doctor.", She and Yaz cry out at the same time.

The Doctor turns to see a stocky older man pointing a gun at them. She glares at the weapon as she carefully steps in front of the fam.


"Who are you?", The man asks.

"I'm the Doctor. This is Odessa, Yaz, Tilira, Ryan, Alfi, and Graham."

"What is that thing?", The unknown man motions to the Tardis with his weapon.

"It's what we travel in. See? The sign on the front. We respond to urgent calls. You look like an urgent call. What's your name?"

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