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The women are having mehndi sun patterns painted in henna on their palms by Hasna.

"This is the best thing ever. Never did this when I was a man.", The Doctor beams as she looks at the designs on her hands.

Odessa smiles at her enthusiasm, completely missing the revelation she just spoke of.

"Doctor. You and your jokes.", Yaz cuts in.

"Yeah, that's right. My references to body and gender regeneration are all in jest. I'm such a comedian."

"Umbreen doesn't think these are my best work. But maybe if you had to prepare a body this morning, you wouldn't draw so well either.", Hasna says. Everyone goes quiet; suddenly feeling bad for not remembering that fact.

"So, how long have you known Prem?", Tilira clears her throat as she changes the subject.

"Our whole lives. We all grew up here together. Our families have worked the land alongside each other for generations. I can't believe it's happening. I waited so long for him. All the time he was away fighting, I was terrified he wouldn't come home. But he did, and now I can see my life mapped out with him. Our home, here.", Umbreen answers with a bright smile.

Odessa also smiles, remembering she and the Doctor will be having their own special day soon, as well. For the very same reason, the time lady next to her grins.

"If they let us stay."

"Nobody cares what we do here, Mum. It's not a city.", Umbreen sighs.

"I stood outside earlier. I heard gangs in the distance. Motor vehicles. Gunshots.", Hasna shoots back.

"It's a long way away."

"It's not too late. I can still find you a good Muslim man.", She offers.

"Are you joking right now?", Umbreen looks offended and hurt by the words.

Even Odessa, the Doctor, Yaz and Tilira all look annoyed by her mother's offer.

"Look at the misery that follows him. You don't even have a priest. What sort of respectable wedding will it be?"

"I don't care about traditions. And I don't care about respectable... Wait.", Umbreen turns to the Doctor.

"You're a doctor, right? That's respectable. You could marry us."

"Don't be ridiculous.", Hasna scoffs, but the Doctor nods.

"I suppose I could."

"No, Doctor...", Yaz starts, but the time lady continues on.

"I haven't officiated a wedding since Einstein's. His parents didn't approve either. Non-denominational though. Maybe I could starts a business! This'll be two, and then I could do ou- my own.

"Some day. In the future. Far away. No time soon. With no one I know, now.", She quickly adds following the pointed look from Odessa.

Tilira smirks in victory.

"Ha! I knew it!", She points a finger at the couple.

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