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"This place, it's open and flat and empty the whole way round. So why does it feel like there are things moving out there?", Browning mutters to her partner.

Something dark whizzes across the desert plain. External lights come on and security cameras start moving.
"What just happened? Two movement sensors tripped.", O says from inside the house.
More security lights come on outside.

"What's doing that?", Browning mutters to herself.
"What have you brought here, Doctor?"

"I don't know. Let's take a look outside.", The Doctor suggests.

"Looking outside was actually quite low on my list. But when does she ever listen to me?", Graham complains as he and Tilira are the last to exit the house.

Never had and never will."
A dingo howls in the distance as the group stands on the porch.

"Please, all of you, back inside!", Seesay calls to them, onto to be ignored. 

The Doctor waves her sonic around.

"No readings."

"You didn't get any readings off that thing in the Tardis either.", Tilira reminds her.

"Exactly. There's something. It's like I can sense them."

"I know what you mean.", O pipes up.

"They're out there, hiding. Tripping the sensors to let us know that they're here. It's like they're watching us.", The Doctor's gaze harshens as she glares at their surroundings. She has just about had it with these creatures and their taunting.

"Like animals stalking their prey.", O says only to receive wide eyed looks from all the others.

"Sorry, that wasn't helpful."

"From what I understand, we were sent here cos you're one of the few people that can stop the attacks on our colleagues. So please, go inside, figure it out, and let us do the job we came for.", Seesay speaks directly to the Doctor.

"Doc, come on.", Graham mutters as Tilira lightly placed a hand on the time lady's shoulder.


"I'll take round the back. Stay on comms.", Seesay to his partner as they split up and the others head back inside.

"Circling around eastwards."

"Understood.", Browning replies.

A nearby security light goes out. Another comes on. And off. And on.

"See those lights going on and off?"

"It's where I am, but it's not me.", The lights go off, then suddenly a bright humanoid figure appears. Browning fires at it and it vanishes, then reappears closer.
Browning's shots are heard from inside.

"Browning!", The Doctor races outside with the others in tow.
"Stay back!"

"Run!", Seesay calls as he approaches Browning.

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